There is so much great info on the net regarding acoustics and seeing that it is the acoustics of your room that is going to be the final say on what you will hear that I once again encourage you to delve deeper into this fascinating aspect of optimising the speakers into your chosen room.
It's of course possible to get a professional company to supply and fit the treatment but without an understanding of 'what and why' you will find yourself needing to hire them again at great expense to analyse and fit out the next room you decide to use for system. Also appreciate the fact that you, armed with the knowledge and REW, can design a huge bass trap to sort out a specific problem. Acoustics companies are reluctant to design and provide custom service. They have standard designs which in knock-down form can be couriered easily and a few of them tend to oversell.
This brings up another point which is if you have REW sussed out you can measure any treatment fitted by the pro's and tell them to stop when RT60 is where you want it. A friend of mine had to remove a bunch of panels that rendered his room too dead.
You may find these links useful. The last one shows a super-chunk bass trap. It's a little sloppy but provides an idea.
It's of course possible to get a professional company to supply and fit the treatment but without an understanding of 'what and why' you will find yourself needing to hire them again at great expense to analyse and fit out the next room you decide to use for system. Also appreciate the fact that you, armed with the knowledge and REW, can design a huge bass trap to sort out a specific problem. Acoustics companies are reluctant to design and provide custom service. They have standard designs which in knock-down form can be couriered easily and a few of them tend to oversell.
This brings up another point which is if you have REW sussed out you can measure any treatment fitted by the pro's and tell them to stop when RT60 is where you want it. A friend of mine had to remove a bunch of panels that rendered his room too dead.
You may find these links useful. The last one shows a super-chunk bass trap. It's a little sloppy but provides an idea.