I finally compared CD to vinyl and...

I finally compared CD to vinyl and it was close, very close. But let me put some perspective on this first. In my main system I have an Audio Note 2.1x balanced DAC with Accustic Arts Drive 1 transport (on a Sistrum platform); this is not cheap, plus there's the digital cable and power cords. The vinyl setup I tried was the one I had back in high school and just shipped from my folks home along with some 80s music LPs. This consisted of a cheap Yamaha PF-20 TT, Signet TK4Ep cartridge, stock 20 year old interconnects, and the phono stage in my Mcintosh preamp. I took the TT to a local repair shop for a once over and all they could find wrong is that it runs about 1% fast.

Last night I relived my high school days by playing a bunch of 80s music (and realizing how bad some of it was, but who cared back then). My first impressions were that the TT was very dynamic with great bass and soundstage; it was very smooth. The music was really fun. So much for the glory days.

Today I went to Amoeba and purchased 4 LPs that I already had on CD to do a "taste test" of sorts. Here's my general thoughts...

Keith Jarrett, The Koln Concert
This LP was used. Better on LP. More natural sounding. But lots of popping.

The Shins, Chutes Too Narrow
Not my usual stuff, but some fun pop. Too close to call here.

Johnny Cash, American 4
I think I preferred the LP, but it was close. My wife preferred the LP; warmer she said. But she likes the detail of digital, seems to prefer the cleaner, sterile sound of it.

Norah Jones, Feels Like Home
The LP sounded better to me, but the CD allowed more detail to come through. very close here, slight edge to LP. But with the careful listening I realized that this album sounds compressed. My wife preferred the CD.

Back to my original point: thousands in digital equipment sounds about equal to a 20 year old TT that probably cost $125 in the day. This experience allowed me to hear how "digital" digital can sound; somewhat artificial, clean, sterile. The TT sounded somewhat soft; either it's the TT, cartridge, preamp, or I'm just hearing how "hard" CD can be. the midrange was a bit recessed, but nice, tight bass and very good, natural highs. Johnny Cashs's voice sounded very real on vinyl. In the end I'm not really sure what to make of this. Some of the LPs I bought could have been poorly mastered.

I don't see myself really getting into vinyl right now. Though most of the LPs were clean there was some popping and a few were downright dirty. CD is very conveneint and easier to store. But it's great to be able to buy used LPs for pennies and try out new music. I bought a used Norman Blake LP fpr $2 that I had been wanting to hear for some time on CD. it sounded great, but was dirty.

I'm sure I could get a better TT, cartridge and phono stage and see an improvement. A cleaning machine would help too. But I would prefer to simplify rather than complicate my system. The frustrating thing is how hard it can be (and expensive it can be) to get CD to sound relatively close to analog. I've tried SACD, but not ready to commit to that either.

For you serious analog folks, what CD players have caught your analog ears the most? I bought my Audio note DAC from a guy who was a real vinyl freak and it was the first digital that he liked.

I have some old Genesis LPs that I'll try tomorrow. A few more spins of the 80s stuff (boy, there was a distinct 80's sound). I also have some of my grandfather's classical LPs to cruise. Then I'll probably get lazy and stick to CD. I'm sure after getting away from the vinyl for a while CD will sound great again. This was a fun exercise, though, and certainly enlightening.
Uh Oh! Denial is the first sign of becoming a vinyl junkie! Just kidding!!!

But I think you are in trouble bud. Let's see....

1.)"This was a fun exercise, though, and certainly enlightening."........ You have seen the light! Be careful not to be too close to the light!

2.)"I'm sure I could get a better TT, cartridge and phono stage and see an improvement."......You betcha! If you do, then now what? You will long for the next day to go back to that nice place, where it's warm and cozy. Where the lights are just right, soothing, calming...a special place were dreams come true, expectations and cravings fulfilled. Ah yes, there is no place like AMOEBA! (or any place you score your records).

3.)"Back to my original point: thousands in digital equipment sounds about equal to a 20 year old TT that probably cost $125 in the day. This experience allowed me to hear how "digital" digital can sound; somewhat artificial, clean, sterile".......I hear you! Sometimes, the truth is hard to handle. When I had the same feeling, it shook me up! But hey, at least I am pretty darn sure that your taste is exceptional and so are your hearing.

Okay, I'll stop now. I think I already presented my point (or lack thereof!). All these are just my opinions of course. Not meant to offend, just stressing a couple of points between CD and LP's comparison/preference on the lighter side.

Boss, one more thing, get a better cart and a decent LP cleaner. Maybe some of your observations will change. If not, then at least you can say that between the CD and the LP, the comparison is at least a little bit fair in all aspect. May I suggest a Teres table and a modified Rega arm using a Denon 103R in the future?

Hope to see ya at local LP stores in the near future.....

It might not be fair to compare LP with CD just because that they are from the same recording.

Most of the old beloved CDs are remixed and then reissued. Remix means that the engineer added some highs, tightened the bass, more glamorous spatial effect, etc. The output is different than that of the original master tape and not likely to be the same with the LP (which also been through this process before they were manufactured)

So, they are different in tonal balance. Worst things are, Analogue master tapes, if old enough, bear the inevitable hiss and less than satisfied dynamic range. These are "treated" with modern technologies and the output seems to be quieter but not better.

I'd like to see a direct comparison on LP and CD that were made with the same final master tape, using current technology and equipment. That, in my humble opinion, should be quite close.

You threw almost the worst possible conditions at your analog components and it seems that you and your wife still prefered the TT to the ceedee. As these other guys have said just image what sound you could be getting from analog with just a few improvements that all together won't cost anymore than a dozen or so ceedees. You already have a very decent phono stage with the McIntosh. It is not true that you have to "put up with all that popping and ticking" with vinyl. You really can eliminate this almost entirely, especially during tracks.

You also asked about digital players. I have not upgraded from my 10 yr old Marantz and don't plan to. I may upgrade my DAC at some point in the future because there is alot of newer music that I can't get in vinyl. I agree with you about SACD and all of the other new digital formats, they are not worth the investment.
ALC 777 does that mean that everything done to improve the sound of "Perfect Sound Forever" has really destroyed the quality of the recording? All that technological improvement and CDs sound worse! Well that explains a lot!

Talk about a vacuous arguement.