I have a BAT VK-20 and BAT VK-200 what are the bes

I have a BAT VK-20 and a BAT VK-200 and B&W 801 Matrix IIIs. What are the best cables to use with this equipment?

Hmmm, I don't have any experience with the Monster Sigma Retro Gold so I couldn't say how any of the Acoustic Zen cables would alter the sound of your system.

However, the attributes you're searching for - "high end to open up a little bit and the midbass to tighten up" - are what the Silver Reference II excels at. Also, they create a very large soundfield.

My only fear is that inserting the Silver Ref II into an all solid state system might result in an overly lean and dry sound, especially with B&W 801 Matrix IIIs in the mix. But that's a very subjective thing. With a tube DAC and preamp I felt the Silver Ref II was a bit lean for me, but it seems your taste and mine may be very different so it could work for you.

I still have the Silver Ref II and have thought of selling it. I'd like to state this openly rather than approach you through private e-mail so it won't seem like I have a hidden agenda. Heck, I'm not sure I even want to sell it. The important thing is how the AZ Silver Ref II differs from the Monster Sigma Retro Gold, and I have no way of knowing if it will be a positive or negative change for you.

Maybe someone can comment on the Monster or give other suggestions. There are lot's of good cables out there and you probably would be able to achieve your goal without paying for a used Silver Ref II.

Something to consider is that the VK200 is on the dark side as well, but that's what I like about it.

Good luck!
Well the more playing time that goes by, the better the system is sounding. That's always been my experience with building/changing systems. I've also been thinking of upgrading to a VK-220 with BAT-PAK, and selling the VK-200. Then I would be in the burn-in cycle all over again. Any experience with the Audience AU 24 cables?
I love the Audience AU24 speaker cables. I compared a single run of AU24 against a biwire run of Acoustic Zen Hologram II for four months and after a tough decision elected to keep the Audience.

But, It really depends on what you want the speaker cables to accomplish. The Hologram II were very smooth and I felt had better extension at the frequency extremes, but I preferred the more midrange forward AU24. Both soundstage very well.
I'll have to put both on my 'short list' for audition.
Acoustic Zen Hologram II
Audience AU24
Thank you Gunbei.