A guess here-you're in debt & buying a little audio here & there won't change the overall picture much, so you think. The audio thing is fine; it's the debt thing that's out of control. If it wasn't audio it'd be something else but since it's audio, you can do some adjusting. I was fortunate & got out of debt a few years ago but have restrained myself & (specifically for audio) have stuck to my guideline of selling audio I have to buy other gear. I won't bore you (or others) with the details but once you do the first item, you'll feel very good about the whole process. Just as a beginning suggestion, how many sources do you have and listen to? If one is dominant, may I suggest selling off your pre & using an inexpensive passive? I mention this as I recently sold my pre & was getting ready to spend $3200.00 for a new one but didn't want the system down while I waited on the sale to finalize, so bought a $150.00 passive. Now my thinking is I'm keeping this little unit, as it's doing a great job. Of course my point is you don't have to keep spending money to enjoy this hobby! You know what's up, you've read the comments & now it's time to take action. I'd like to mention this little phrase I came across earlier today, as it seems appropriate: "Between stimulus & response there is a space. In that space lies our freedom & power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth & our happiness".