don_c55, Your reasoning is based on guesses which are different
than assertions. Assertions should be based on arguments which
should not contradic each other. You are against retipps but you
buy second hand carts by which one can't know if the previous
owner retipped his cart. In additon you presupose that only the
manufacturer can do this job (retip) correctly such that the cart
will sound ''as before''. From this guess it follows that you have
no idea how moving parts in an MC carts look like and how they
are connted with each other. First of all all manufacturer get their
cantilever/styli combos ready made by their supplier. Styli are
produced by big ''jewel companies'' and not by cart manufacturer.
The 'nose'' of an MC cart consist of stylus, cantilever, coils and
the part on which coils and cantilever are fastened (glued). This
''nose'' is connected with the rest of the geneartor colled ''joint
pipe''. Usualy there is a small aluminum pipe in fron of the ''nose''.
In this pipe the cantilever is glued. Why do you think that this
work can only be done in the ''right way'' by the manufacturer?
To put this otherwise: why do you think that an retipper is not
capable to do this work ''as good''? The retip with the whole
cantilever/stylus combo is much more easy then gluing an new
stylus in place of the old one. Why is that so? For a manufacturer
to replace the stylus only means that one expert extra would be
needed for this job. If you are well informed you should know
that no manufacturer is willing to retip his own carts. They prefer
to offer new carts instead . The exception are cart producers
who also own an retips service. Van den Hul and Peter Ledermann
are examples.
This myth is also assumed by our ''cart expert'' from Mexico who
obviously has no idea how an MC cart is constructed.
When one look at the generator on can see those 3 screws.
Those are meant to fasten, tighten and center the tension wire
which connect the ''nose'' (moving parts) with the rest of the
generator or the ''joint pipe''.
If one need a new suspension because the old one become to
soft causing ''low rider'' or to hard because the suspension dry
out causes limitation of the cantilever movement such that
the cart's tracking ability is so reduced that the cart can't be
used at all.
Well in order to put a new ''ribber ring'' instead of the old this
tension wire need to be removed first because the suspension
is behind the coils and does not belong to the moving parts.
This presuposes that the menitioned 3 screws must be reachable
from outside. In case of any ZYX this means that the body of
the cart must be cut or drilleed in order to get access to those
screws. That is because the body by all ZYX is glued together
acrylic without any access to those screws or inside of the cart .
That is why I stated in my former post that stylus worry is not
sufficient. Obviously no member of ZYX club has ever got
suspension problem. But if one would like to anticipate possible
problems one need to be well informed.