I know, there is no 'best', but...

..is there any consensus on AV processors in terms of the best?
I have an AVR now, and I know the future holds a processor and seperate amplification for improved sound quality.
On a related note, what is the consensus on room correction programs? Is there a 'best' for that, or a 'diy' procedure that is preferable? The YPAO in my Yamaha consistently tells me incorrectly I have speakers wired out of phase, so if it gets that wrong, how can I know what else it's wrong on?

Good 2 channel is also important, so does that mean a good audio pre-amp is necessary (HT passthrough?), or is there a processor with good 2-channel performance. I know that's relative, so let me clarify a little by saying I'll have a total speaker investment under $20K, built over time, so let's not stray too far into the realm of diminishing returns.
Soix, You bring up some good points. Getting a single piece that covers both applications only to the degree I want without overkill would be a big ask
You'll likely have to look to the higher end AV pre-pro's for better quality 2 channel stereo, analog bypass, and general preamplification sections and such, If you're looking for all in one processor for you movie/music needs. That said, I think it's a widely agreed position here that you'll still be likely looking at some compromises, in ultimate terms, going that route. And, in fact, you can probably end up getting better quality 2 channel premplification performance from a stand-alone preamp, perhaps looping in an dedicated separate AV processor into it for movie duties ..leaving the stereo for the better dediated 2 ch preamp.
Then, I would then simply look for a quality, clear sounding, up to date AV pre/pro that's detailed and clear sounding, that offers super dynamics (and of course, has all the latest decoding, video pass and scaling, and connections you need) for movie and bluray decoding, and you should be getting best of both worlds, for the best budget considerations! Spending hard on the most expensive Theta, Krell, Meridian, etc for your AV/music needs, and you'll still easily get arguments from audiophile purists about how your stereo music is likely bettered by doing 2 separate systems, with a quality digital or analog source, instead.
I vote find the preamp that floats your boat, and then use some Emotiva 7.1 channel AV prepro to loop in for movies...then forget all about finding that $12000 AV processor just to wow your friends with glowing blue lights and a huge sticker price! ((not to mention what if the next new processing format comes along, and you already spent a fortune to "have it all in one expensive box" approach?!!))
That's my position anyway..
Yeah, I'm liking that idea more and more. I was in fact looking at Emotiva and Outlaw processors last night. Basic, which is good, but apparently up to the sound quality of the majority of processors out there. I'm also wondering with the esoteric units if I'd have the speakers and room to realize their superiority.

Anything I need to look for specifically in a good pre' to accommodate the processor hook up? Or will they all hook up? My only sources so far are DirecTV and my Oppo, although a computer will be in the future once I learn more about the best way to implement that.
In the past I have used the SONY ES line and Marantz AVRs. I am currently using the Pioneer Elite AVR with Class D3 amps, and couldn't imagine going with anything else. I had the unit modified by Stereo Dave's and it sounds absolutely wonderful for both HT and 2 channel. Clear, detailed sound, with tremendously tight bass. Well worth looking into.
