I love the music of the 4 seasons and this thread is not about Vivaldi ( like it tough)

This thread is about the music, the sound and the soul...
Sometimes we feel disturbed by the way wind flows, or the rains is pouring, or the snow illuminate under the moon, and how some green shades can speak to the ears... All seasons give to us something truly unique...In audio system, music is like the seasons, a piece for each vibration of our heart...I like music sometimes for the pleasure, sound is very important also, because the way good sound convey music makes it more easier to enter the mood...But also when I feel anguish and pain, i dont have the energy to listen to music, I need a sound that treat my soul without asking any effort to listen to it....

If any of you can illustrate what I speak about, it is welcome; this thread will be about, music, sound therapy, audio sound, and the links between music and moods... And least but not last what fills up your soul...Music or anything linked to it and the soul...
Most of my music I like to listen stoned, but sometimes I can be more recreative.
Music need attention, when the time flows are in slow motion, each note bloom with is own crystalline voice, and the chord is like a bird flying before our eyes...

My best to you czarivey
May the herb’s spirit light all your dreams...

" When you smile, my drug is free" -Groucho Marx
When I’m stressed I often listen to the 4th movement of Bruckner’s 8th symphony; it’s like catharsis for stress. Another good piece is the 3rd movement of Shostakovich’s 1st violin concerto. 

Yes, I understand perfectly well this mood...Bruckner was after Bach and before Scriabin the second important steps in my musical listening life...

The 8th of Bruckner, with his perfect recapitulating final like in the 5th, is a peak any other composer was never able to emulate... Except like Mahler by other means...

A french critic say of some Bruckner’s symphony (he speak of the 5th) that it is to the symphonic score what Bach’s art of the fugue is to music ...

Thanks very much to nod for us and with us all toward this so moving genius and therapeutic giant...My best forever...

" Bruckner? Too much slow music for cartoons" -Groucho Marx

I hesitate and decide not to call what this link pointed to piano playing or interpretation only...

Piano interpretation is a relative perspective on some score, more or less with the infused spirit of the composer...Piano interpretation can be teach, it is more or less right or wrong like all that can be learned in a relative way...Piano interpretation is relative like all interpretation... And it suit a taste...

But this piece of piano, if you listen to, communicate so much energy, so much moving spirit, that it is no more piano lesson well done... If it is something, it can be repulsive for some who are not prepared and too much refine now to be transformed; it is not refine perfect playing, it is not even right nor wrong, it is beyond which anybody can decide or choose to play... It is literaly a case of possession, like in demonic possession, an hypnotic attempt, or agression, a transcendental moment, that you can listen to thousand times, and after each listening, the emotion is trivialized in the background of past experiences and will never be...At the end you can verify with some comparison with any other pianist among the best playing, they can be more "perfect", more mathematically accurate, more respectful of the score or of the composer intent, more "humble" or so it may seems at first, but they will never be and are not a volcanic eruption in the heart, nor a tectonic displacement of some waves in the brain...

I dont think this pianist is a pianist among others...This is a magician...A dangerous one perhaps, like Liszt was, or Scriabin was after testimonies of all their contemporary... One thing is sure, this interpretation of " la vallée d'Obermann" de Liszt, suggest to me the revelation that it is finally impossible to learn this way of playing piano, or possible only to a certain extent, like it is impossible to learn numbers the way Ramanujan did ( the great G.H. Hardy think that about Ramanujan praising him greater than even Hilbert, and for example Grothendieck in contemporary mathematics is in the same mythological category)...In the same way, one does not decide to learn to become Buddha or Christ, excepted deluded ones...Or for example nobody except fools decide to save humanity against itself, like Scriabin think he will do with music  and this without being a fool himself... If you compare for example Stravinsky, a pure productive perfect genius, with Scriabin this imperfect god, you will discover the same abyss separating mortals, even great, of immortals even small one...One chord of Scriabin sometimes equal the works of others...

​Men plays, gods create...

"Ervin Nyiregyházi ? Is this dude an eskimo?" -Groucho Marx
