I love this hobby-

I was just sitting here tonight listening to music and was thinking how much music enriches my life. When I was young, music played an important factor in my life, although I never had what I would call a good system for playback. Once I got married and immediately began having a family, it seems music got thrown way on the back burner not to move back towards the front for many many years.

Now that the kids are grown (2 just need to be kicked from the nest) music is once again an important part of my life. No, my system is not SOTA, actually it is very vintage. But it brings me much joy and is best system I have ever owned. I am at a happy place though and don't feel the need to do more than just enjoy what I have been blessed with.

I don't have many music or audio loving friends, so I just wanted to share my joy with you all. I know from reading these pages that we all are passionate about these hard earned gifts, but ain't they grand? ;o)

We don't all have the same ears, identical or even similar gear and systems, nor enjoy the same music. But one thing I think we can all agree, life without music sucks.

Thanks for tolerating my rambling.

I think WWWRecords is much more in tune with this hobby than most...music first!
Steve, excellent thoughts. I have always loved music as well, loved it when my father played Sam Cooke on his old console set up when I was a kid. I bought my first set up when I was 17 and graduated to better equipment when I got a good job. My first "high end" system was Yamaha based (when they were high end) and my current system brings me much joy. I'm looking forward to the arrival of the power plant I just bought and now I probably will have the best set up I ever will hope to.
I'm very fortunate to currently, and hopefully for much longer, to live in a place with no common walls and on kind of a quiet street. Most of listening right now is done from about 6am to 7am right after I get home from the gym and have breakfast and until I leave for work. It's not lots of time and I want to have much more time for this nsane game. I went too many years with sub par gear and I want to enjoy the great set up I have now. I understand totally. Mark
Thanks for your feedback and comments. I don't post often, but do spend alot of time reading this site and a few others. It was really difficult to avoid the upgrade bug that seems to bite so many. Actually, I would have if the funds would have allowed, so I guess in a way financial reality kept me in check with this hobby. It took a while for me to come to terms within my head that for me to get the most enjoyment from my system, I had to accept it and be greatful. I still sometimes wonder what fancy cables would do, a better preamp ( I would love to give a Blueberry Extreme a listen), etc.

I have met a local guy (he is now a good friend) who has a more modern system and we get together about once every couple of weeks and listen to music. It give me a taste of what other gear sounds like. He recently put a Shelter 501 on his Nottingham and it sounds amazing. Definately better than mine, but it doesn't distract from my coming home and enjoying my system and music. I also have noticed his toes tapping when he listens to my system. I love the dynamics of my system, where his is more refined and polite.

Geesh, I am rambling again. I guess the bottom line is I have found happiness and contentment. I just hope it lasts. ;)

and yes, my name is Steve. ;)

Here is a wonderful statement about music written by William Parker, one of the leading bass players, composers and group leaders in jazz and free music today, called "Music Is". It expresses much of what you and many of us feel about this wonderful hobby and interest.


Music is the abysmal rainbow that bridges endless galaxies. It is the waterfall flowing through the desert, the mother, the offspring, the ointment, the foot and hand of the wind. All of nature is music: the many colored skies, space and planets.

Music is every wondrous canyon in a miracle’s dream. Music is evolution, the seed of change. Music existed and exists with or without human beings.

No race invented music.

Music is a form of energy, like the sun. Music is the voice through which spirits speak, using a language that is beyond words, a music that is beyond notes. Music informs us with a reality that is scented with the eternal. Music is the tireless swan knitting landscapes of hope. Music is the cry of life and death at birth and conception, the heart beat, the pulse, the healer and the healed, the color portrait, the magical stone and the magical mists living side by side. Music is the chirping of birds; is the grass beneath the cracked shells.

Music is dance and the dancer. It is poetry and the poet. Music is all children. Music is hot cornbread. Music is the kindness one finds in a crayon drawing. Music is wood touching word. Imagine a doorbell made of light. Imagine the house that we would enter if we rang that bell.

Music is the rhythm of butterflies. Music is hungry stomachs being filled. Music is justice. Music is blue water, blue whales, and blue cornmeal.

Music passes through some while others reject the image. The best music teacher is an oak tree. Music cannot be taught. Music is alive. Music is a pasture of yellow grass 6-foot tall.

Music tolls from the earth and lands on the sky of another universe. Music is drone over the Ganges.

Music is a snowflake floating on the ocean.

Music is silence. There is no music in capitalism and imperialism. Music is the answer and the question. Particles of music cannot be measured by scientific instruments. Music vibrates. Not all music vibrates at the same rate. Music is radiant. The blessing, the understanding, the fundamental eye revealing the surrender in the realm of brightness. Music sometimes manifests itself as sound.

Music’s only wish is the well-being of all human beings. Music exists to feed the spirit. Music is no war, not ever, for any reason.

Music is the fertilizer and the seed. Every second we live, music is dying for us. Music will save the day. Music must save the day. Music is the mother to the motherless, father to the fatherless. Music is home to the homeless. Dance music, wedding music, funeral music, march music, waltz music, wood music, steel music, voice music, tree music, ocean music, soil music, baking bread music, pastoral music, union music, trance music, religious music, perpendicular music, circle music, square music, Zion music, Shinto music, Buddha music, Islamic music, Hindu music, Winti music, music for Damballah, Erzulie, Ogun, Ghede, Asacca music for Quetzalcoatl, for the Adena Hopewell, music for the Red Paint people, music to make the moon laugh and cause the sun to turn blue. Music is the incubation of joy. A symbol of music is Kokopelli, the hump-back flute player...

Through music life is altered. This energy, if visible, might resemble bands of light stretched across fields of flowing ash going past layers of infinite habitation. The cry of praise, the memory, the entrance to the fire, oupas chanting. The effect pulls on gravity.

Music is the lasting response, the elixir. Music is nothing; music is everything. There is more music in a baby’s smile than in a thousand symphony orchestras. Music lives in the flute mountains that are made of melted diamonds. We drink them. Our eyes sparkle like petals of a black rose. Music to plant beans, to plant corn. Music the burning throne, the prodigal daughter, and rain cloud over the profound branches.

Music is the abysmal rainbow that bridges endless galaxies. It is the waterfall flowing through the desert, the mother, the offspring, the ointment, the foot and hand of the wind. All of nature is music: the many colored skies, space and planets.

Music is every wondrous canyon in a miracle’s dream. Music is evolution, the seed of change. Music existed and exists with or without human beings.

No race invented music.

Music is a form of energy, like the sun. Music is the voice through which spirits speak, using a language that is beyond words, a music that is beyond notes. Music informs us with a reality that is scented with the eternal. Music is the tireless swan knitting landscapes of hope. Music is the cry of life and death at birth and conception, the heart beat, the pulse, the healer and the healed, the color portrait, the magical stone and the magical mists living side by side. Music is the chirping of birds; is the grass beneath the cracked shells.

Music is dance and the dancer. It is poetry and the poet. Music is all children. Music is hot cornbread. Music is the kindness one finds in a crayon drawing. Music is wood touching word. Imagine a doorbell made of light. Imagine the house that we would enter if we rang that bell.

Music is the rhythm of butterflies. Music is hungry stomachs being filled. Music is justice. Music is blue water, blue whales, and blue cornmeal.

Music passes through some while others reject the image. The best music teacher is an oak tree. Music cannot be taught. Music is alive. Music is a pasture of yellow grass 6-foot tall.

Music tolls from the earth and lands on the sky of another universe. Music is drone over the Ganges.

Music is a snowflake floating on the ocean.

Music is silence. There is no music in capitalism and imperialism. Music is the answer and the question. Particles of music cannot be measured by scientific instruments. Music vibrates. Not all music vibrates at the same rate. Music is radiant. The blessing, the understanding, the fundamental eye revealing the surrender in the realm of brightness. Music sometimes manifests itself as sound.

Music’s only wish is the well-being of all human beings. Music exists to feed the spirit. Music is no war, not ever, for any reason.

Music is the fertilizer and the seed. Every second we live, music is dying for us. Music will save the day. Music must save the day. Music is the mother to the motherless, father to the fatherless. Music is home to the homeless. Dance music, wedding music, funeral music, march music, waltz music, wood music, steel music, voice music, tree music, ocean music, soil music, baking bread music, pastoral music, union music, trance music, religious music, perpendicular music, circle music, square music, Zion music, Shinto music, Buddha music, Islamic music, Hindu music, Winti music, music for Damballah, Erzulie, Ogun, Ghede, Asacca music for Quetzalcoatl, for the Adena Hopewell, music for the Red Paint people, music to make the moon laugh and cause the sun to turn blue. Music is the incubation of joy. A symbol of music is Kokopelli, the hump-back flute player...

Through music life is altered. This energy, if visible, might resemble bands of light stretched across fields of flowing ash going past layers of infinite habitation. The cry of praise, the memory, the entrance to the fire, oupas chanting. The effect pulls on gravity.

Music is the lasting response, the elixir. Music is nothing; music is everything. There is more music in a baby’s smile than in a thousand symphony orchestras. Music lives in the flute mountains that are made of melted diamonds. We drink them. Our eyes sparkle like petals of a black rose. Music to plant beans, to plant corn. Music the burning throne, the prodigal daughter, and rain cloud over the profound branches.

if music is so important, why do some of us obsess about the equipment ?

there are so many threads whose subject is a component(s) that one has to question one's true emphasis, namely the music or the equipment.

this is a good subject for a thread, namely how best to spend $x, on equipment or recordings ?