Wise post as usual from Mike Lavigne who made me think again ...
Especially this line ...
so buying and optimizing a large or very large speaker system is not trivial.
For me this means the embeddings workings controls matter as much as the speakers ...
my best to him ...
For sure if there is no ceiling limit for the sum of money invested , the diminishing return concept made no sense to begin with ...
In my use of this concept i distinguished for a relatively low money ceiling a minimal acoustical satisfaction experience and his maximal relative end point threshold defined by a notation associated for all acoustic factors implied in the perception ....And i distinguished it from the maximum acoustical satisfaction experience and his minimal starting point threshold ...
Then for sure as said Mike Lavigne :
access to successful large speaker installations is rare. so we are left with the idea that there are diminishing returns. nothing could be more wrong. the right large expensive speakers are a great value in terms of ROI.
if there is no limit of money invested these two threshold collapse for sure into a single continuous linear scale where a diminishing return cannot exist because there is always a return that can be evaluated as qualitatively justified ......
For me judging audio experience out of any limit money threshold make no sense ...
It is why in my posts i insisted on the mechanical,ele4ctrical and acoustical embeddings controls of the working dimensions of any system at any price ...
A dedicated acoustic room homemade or made by a pro with a difference in cost of 100,000 bucks ; for example mine at peanuts cost with a grid of tuned resonators homemade and the astounding Mike Lavigne acoustical room , reveal a level of excellence in each case , but these two room cannot be compared at all...
but for me many costlier device present a cese of diminishing return very evident ...
For Mike Lavigne himself if i read well his past posts many costly propositions are only diminishing returns as too much cherries on a cake well prepared already could be ...
All that to say that those who say that the diminishing return dont exist say it in the absolute case with no money ceiling limit which is true as any common place fact can be true , a triviality ...it is meaningless to repeat triviality as any improvement is worth it ... It is not true in any of the two cases, the minimal and the acoustical acoustical satisfaction thresholds ...
Diminishing return exist... For me or for Mike ; but we are not in the same category : i am passed the minimal acoustical satisfaction threshold ... He is passed over the maximum acoustical satisfaction threshold ...if we take into account a RATIO between all acoustic factors levels evaluation...
The computing of the ceiling limit is relatively easy : it is under 100,000 bucks for sure ... Take it around 25,000 bucks for the average obsessed audiophile ... My system cost is now 700 bucks with two vintage speakers and headphone ... iam satisfied and envy no one ...I am proud of my system modifications and embeddings at no cost...😊
But only an idiot will compare my system with the Mike Lavigne one ...