I need an amp, can any recommend?

I'm looking for an amp or mono blocks that won't be an exorbitant expense. Here's what I have. What do you guy think would be the best match for the lease coin?

Music Hall 7

Audible Illusions Mod 3a

KEF 104/2

I'd hazzard a guess that some of the smaller McCormack amps might work well.
I drive my KEF's (not 104/2's) with an Aragon amp. For my taste, it seems like a pretty good match. Consider either a 4004 series or an 8008 series amp.
I would consider a Parasound Halo A23 (A21 if you want/need more power), or with the sensitivity of those speaker maybe a tube amp such as a Prima Luna?

The Wyred for Sound are supposed to be great, I have not heard them personally, but everyone I know who hears them loves them.

Also, you may look at some of the previous generation Bel Canto amps, lots of power, smooth sound, and tons of operational flexibility.

good luck.