I need an amp, can any recommend?

I'm looking for an amp or mono blocks that won't be an exorbitant expense. Here's what I have. What do you guy think would be the best match for the lease coin?

Music Hall 7

Audible Illusions Mod 3a

KEF 104/2

Your speakers are 90 db efficient and 4 ohms nominal impedance. I haven't heard that model, but the KEF speakers I have heard are reasonably bass-heavy and benefit from clean amplification.

I third the suggestion of the McCormack, and would also add Monarchy SE-100, Musical Fidelity A3.2cr, and Classe CA-100.

It depends largely on your budget and listening preferences.

It's been a long time since I auditioned the 104/2's but I seem to remember liking them quite a bit with Bryston amplifiers, of which there is currently a nice selection for sale on Audiogon. Several of the above recommendations also sound promising but I never heard them paired with the Kefs.
If you want monos look at the TAD 125s from Tube Audio Design. I have them driving my Vandy 3A sigs.