I really wanted to dislike D'Agostino

I do a lot of trash talking here so I wanted to say something positive.  I find it especially hard to find things to like in gear that seems priced too high for the actual performance, and am happy to steer listeners to more affordable and often better sounding gear. For many reasons,I really wanted to dislike D'Agostino. This included previous listening to Dan era Krell, espeically with B&W speakers, was just never that good.  Perfectly, clinically sounding electronics.  The Audio Research (again vintage not modern) of Solid State.

When I first saw D'Agostino, I thought to myself that gear that looks that good can't sound very good.  Large bare copper, and big nods to watch making aesthetics were just too calculated to hook and reel me in.   Evoking both horology and espresso making at it's finest.

I have to say that my listening experience with modern Wilson speakers was a totally and completely different experience from what I expected.  Sweet, clean, musical, deep, extended.  I'd happily sit and listen to that for a very very long time.

Honestly to my ears the sound of the modern D'Agostino was so far and distant from the Krells I had heard so long ago it was a huge relief and surprise.  Nicely done.  I'm sorry I doubted the brand at all. 
Who here promotes Ayre and Luxman every chance he gets and takes a jab at Pass,... sorry the thread does not belong to you
Hi @Shannere

Thanks for bringing up false equivalences.

I did not ask Coda fans to stop promoting coda.

I do however consider it polite and good behavior to keep a thread on topic. I also consider it polite and good behavior to take a significantly disruptive non sequitur to a new thread, a practice I have modeled several times. I also generally refrain from promoting products I like unless a thread calls for it, such as "Help me pick... "

I hope those who promote Coda products are made of the same mettle.

Your fake apology is rejected.



@erik_squires , I really liked most krell seperate power amps, Not so much B&w’s. I can’t help but wonder if your picking the stone out of the wrong shoe?
Just curious, has anyone had experience with the Krell K300I integrated amp? I was reading Dan's exwife Rondi owns Krell now and production is located in the US. I'm interested in purchasing one, curious if anyone has one or test drove one and your opinions, thanks, cheers. 
I can’t help but wonder if your picking the stone out of the wrong shoe?
Who here promotes Ayre and Luxman every chance he gets and takes a jab at Pass
Can read him like a book, this is yet again his "subtle" but round about way of "Krell Bashing" this time, just like he did with Pass Labs amps a couple of months back, and got "new one ripped" for his efforts.

Cheers George