I recently picked up the Yaqin MC-30L with the opt

I recently picked up the Yaqin MC-30L with the option upgraded blue tubes. This amplifier uses EL34 tubes and is rated for 25 wpc in triode mode and 50 wpc in ultralinear mode. Prior to this my system music system was built around an Integra 50.1 receiver. I learned about the Yaqin in a local audio shop where the owner highly recommended them even though he doesn't sell them. I take recommendations like this seriously. The owner actually ordered it for me and got it all setup for free.

Prior to purchasing the amplifier I had quickly auditioned one that was in the store for another customer and compared it to a solid state amplifier that he sells. My primary interest was to evaluate the difference between tubes and solid state so that I could validate if it was worth picking to play with and experience the tube sound.

I'm so glad that I did. My experience so far has been almost completely full of "wow" moments. The sound is far superior to my receiver (that really sounds great) in a way that I wouldn't have believed. In the past when I've visited another audio store in the area and listened to equipment like Krell and Pathos amplifiers and Focal Utopia line speakers I would come home and have a brief period of dissatisfaction with my system. Now I can have that same feeling simply by connecting my speakers to my receiver.

The owner of the store that recommended the Yaqin has told me that he prefers it's sound to a Pathos amplifier that he sells. Based on the equipment that I've heard I won't be so bold as to say that it's objectively superior to amplifiers like the Pathos Logos or Krell S-300i, but I am convinced that it's good enough that I would expect the primary differences be to just that, different rather than better or worse. I have drooled over the idea of owning the Krell S-300i or Pathos Logos and at this point I simply wouldn't expect either of them to be more satisfying in my system.

I have found a couple of weakensses with the Yaqin. One was while listening to an SACD of Saint-Saens Symphony No.3 with the organ. Turning this powerful recording up to the volume that I desire is beyond the capability of the Yaqin resulting in way too much tube distortion. If I switch from ultralinear mode to triode mode there is less of the tube sound, but the bass goes away as well. Another recording of David Garrett playing the Paganin Caprese No.24 also had too much of a tube sound for my taste, but a switch to triode mode seemed to pretty much solve the issue.

I've listened to numerous other CDs that cover a wide range of music and vocals and it has performed extremely well.

It's become obvious that the Yaqin, when used within it's volume limitations, is a far superior amplifier compared to my receiver and there's more to what I'm experiencing than just gaining the tube sound.

Without experiencing better quality solid state amplifiers or other integrates/seperates it's impossible to really know what factors are in play, but I can simply say that this is a very impressive amplifier.

The Yaqin MC-30L is a basic amplifier with four inputs (no outputs) and two listening modes. The remote will control the volume and switch modes, but does not control the power on/off.

The only indications that I can find for its "Made in China" heritage is that the very basic manual's English translation is somewhat entertaining and it says MS-30L on the cover. This amplifier appears to be listed under both the MC-30L and MS-30L models. I suspect that, like mine, the confusion comes from the MC-30L being engraved on the face plate and the MS-30L being listed on the cover.

At a price point of under $650 to your door this stereo tube integrated amplifier should be high on anyones list that is looking for an affordable gateway into tube amplification. I can't imagine anyone not being happy with this choice.

Well....this week marks the first anniversary of my puchase of the Silk Audio MS -38, so it's time for a review of my experience so far.
( originally posted these comments on AVS Forum - hope no one minds. Photos are there.)
I am not new to hifi. My first amp was a Cyrus 1, which I built a DNM capped 1000va external psu for in the 80s. Next came a Musical Fidelity (MuFi ) A100 class A mini heater (!)followed much later by a Musical Fidelity X-150v3. This was supplemented with various MuFi TUBE buffers. I never listen without these anymore. I love the fluid sound of tubes!
My main system now uses a pair of bridged MuFi X-P200 amps with X-P100 preamp and REL subs for a HUGE soundstage!
But....after we moved a couple of teens through the basement guestroom I decided it was time to repurpose the room for a "morning music room"! Something far from our bedroom, that would pass the WAF.
I had enough MuFi equipment to build an entire second system....So why not?
The second system was built around the Mu-Fi X-150 integrated with M1 CLIC streamer/dac and Marantz cd67 players. Speakers are Rega Naos transmission lines with REL T3 sub.
Cables all Kimber.
This was the system I added the Silk Audio MS-38 to after checking out this thread. I realized that most owners were upgrading from  receivers, but comments about reliability and the two stateside distributors were very reassuring. I wanted to hear for myself if a tube amp would be a satisfying alternative to the tube buffered solid state route I was on for both systems. I didn't want to sell any of the Mu-Fi stuff to finance the tube amp, so I found the Yaqin MS-20/30 models appealing at a crazy price ( at $650ish, I hear my wife reminding me that it's still an expensive item - Thanks, Honey....But still half the price of the X-150)!!
Now, that was all fine and good to daydream over until I saw the Silk Audio version of the same amp. The MS-38.
Ray of SA has done a great facelift job on the original design, adding a VU meter to the front panel. Modern retro. Very appealing.
He was very prompt replying to my queries, usually answering at least half of my questions ( Tabnaac suffers from the same handicap, but terser). I have found that only asking one question at a time helps here!
Since SA is in Chicago USA, shipping was cosiderably cheaper than from Canada - something to bear in mind if a return for service is ever required.

The amp arrived quickly, well packaged . I risked back injury lifting it out of the double box to its support stand - top heavy due to the substantial transformers mounted to the top plate. Power tubes were well protected in pvc pipes and numbered at the factory, so I installed them in order. Signal tubes come pre-installed.

Several posts have commented on the fine construction quality. I would add that while one might expect a thick aluminium ( AH... A Brit! ) face plate on a modern amp, the rear panel is usually a thinner steel affair. Not so here. The same thick aluminium is used for the input/ speaker terminal plates too. Compare this to other "budget" tube amps at twice the price.
And what about the cnc'd bezel around the signal tubes?
Or the tube cage ( not even photographed on Silk Audio's ebay listings ) ?
23 machined parts!
Even if you leave the power tubes exposed, it sits very neatly over the output transformer covers. I use a custom cut 1/4" foam rubber mat material from Michaels craft store for damped anti-scratch support. Why hide it?
A guitarist friend who repairs tube guitar amps looked the MS-38 over and said it must be worth $5,000.
Well it looks the part!
How does it sound?
Tricky question, since it takes 40 hours or so to burn in the supplied tube set. I would say, from memory, that it was warm and pleasant from the start, but veiled. The clarity opened up gradually over the first month though. Remember, I had my big rig as a reference. Proac tablette speakers are very revealing especially with a Rogers LSB1 and REL subs!
No, this was MUSIC without the spotlights. Tonally quite satisfying.
A couple of months after the burn in I ordered a matched set of eight GE5654 tubes. A modest investment of $80.
The new GE 5654 tubes intantly sounded much clearer with a better insight into the recorded acoustic.
Since the Silk arrived I have fallen in love with Baroque music. My favorite music is still Jazz and Reggae ( Fat Freddy's Drop especially - that bass!), but that doesn't fly until after 8am.
After 40 hours of burn in the sound is so pure and "right" that I struggle to turn off the music to get on with my workday. What a pleasant way to start your day!
The level of improvement is way more than that of a cable upgrade - for less.
No need to agonize over this one. Just do it. You won't be sorry.

A couple of weeks ago I noticed that the three transformers at the rear of the MS-38 were not level.
The cause?
They are so heavy that they can make the top plate of the amp sag!
I contacted Ray at Silk Audio. He contacted Yaqin for a solution. All they could come up with was to offer to replace the top plate.
I looked inside the amp. It was obviously a big job to remove the circuit board and transformers. Add to that the shipping charges and probable rough handling in transit, I suspected that the sag would still be a risk.
Besides, I had a better idea:

I first built a 2x6 jig to suspend the amp upside down by its edges, not resting on the transformers. Next I added a lacuered steel L brace under the transformers, with longer self tapping screws and aluminium spacers to clear the wiring beneath.
VIOLA no more sag!
Maybe the factory will add a version of this mod.
( Violas also sound very nice - Voila!! )
Ray was very impressed. No doubt relieved too. I suggested he thank me with a set of output tubes instead of the new top plate, labour and shipping. He's working on it.....I hope.

Swapping from the Mu-Fi X-150 back to the newly reinforced MS-38, I couldn't miss the increase in body and weight. Maybe there was less detail, but the MUSIC was well served.

If you are looking for just one amp for a satisfying music system, why not contact Ray at Silk Audio? I am so glad I listened to the others on this forum who recommended this amp, or the Yaqin MS-20/30!

I just got a set of MULLARD NOS 5654 tubes delivered. Will be installing once I have a set of Electro Harmonix KT77 or Gold Lions. Or maybe before....

CONGRATS on finding out you don't have to spend big $ to get fantastic sound!I've been preaching the merits of Yaqin since I first installed one of their tube buffers in a SS Reciever based system,moved to a EL-34 Class A PP & now a 10wpc.Class A Single Ended MS-34C!
 As I've stated before until the status quo of the audio review maga/ezine empire is crushed mainstream audiophiles are never going to accept the fact that todays inexpensive Chinese made gear is EVERY bit as good,& in some cases BETTER than the mega $ gear that perpetuates the myth of spending big $ to get great sound.Enjoy!
Thanks Freedriver, I AM!
No doubt the high end tube amps are wonderful sounding at ten times the price of the Yaqin/Silk Audio offerings, but I am grateful that the entry fee is where people in the 99% can afford to play!
Isn't the fact that Audiogon exists proof that we all love a bargain (and high quality music reproduction)?
I just came across an Air Tight review on Stereopile mentioning top plate sag due to heavy transformers. Forgivable in my $600 amp, but in a $9500 amp? Art Dudley recommend an internal brace like the one I fabricated.
Now burning in my NOS Mullard 5654's.
After 30 hours they are beginning to get that saturated tone and really SING!

@output555 - I no longer have this amp (a friend does), but I am not a headphone user so can't comment.  I didn't really enjoy this amplifier and consider it to be a quality product with a high value.