I see the issue with ABX blind testing

I’ve followed many of the cable discussions over the years with interest. I’ve never tested cables & compared the sound other than when I bought an LFD amp & the vendor said that it was best paired with the LFD power cord. That was $450 US and he offered to ship it to me to try & if I didn’t notice a difference I could send it back. I got it, tried it & sent it back. To me there was no difference at all.

Fast forward to today & I have a new system & the issue of cables arises again. I have Mogami cables made by Take Five Audio in Canada. The speaker wire are Mogami 3104, XLRs are Mogami 2549 & the power cords are Powerline 10 with Furutech connectors. All cables are quite well made and I’ve been using them for about 5 years. The vendor that sold me the new equipment insisted that I needed "better" cables and sent along some Transparent Super speaker & XLR cables to try. If I like them I can pay for them.

In every discussion about cables the question is always asked, why don’t you do an ABX blind test? So I was figuring out how I’d do that. I know the reason few do it. It’s not easy to accomplish. I have no problem having a friend come over & swap cables without telling me what he’s done, whether he swapped any at all etc. But from what I can see the benefit, if there is one, will be most noticeable system wide. In other words, just switching one power cable the way I did before won’t be sufficient for you to tell a difference... again, assuming there is one. So I need my friend to swap power cables for my amp/preamp & streamer, XLR cables from my streamer to my preamp, preamp to amp & speakers cables. That takes a good 5-10 minutes. There is no way my brain is retaining what I previously heard and then comparing it to what I currently hear.

The alternative is to connect all of the new cables, listen for a week or so & then switch back & see if you feel you’re missing anything. But then your brain takes over & your biases will have as much impact as any potential change in sound quality.

So I’m stumped as to how to proceed.

A photo of my new setup. McIntosh MC462, C2700, Pure Fidelity Harmony TT, Lumin T3 & Sonus Faber Amati G5 & Gravis V speakers.


It is amazing how much our brains fill in, which isn’t there.

Hence why blind ABX testing is the ultimate way to prove whether or not something is improved.

Sound perception is not about "filling what is not there" you conflate flawed stereo listening illusions (crosstalk problems) with spatial objective qualitative information the brain compute from the two ears about a vibrating sound source qualities and state and localisation ...

let down the ABX manual and buy a book about acoustics... 😁

You see a side of a coin..

You forgot the other side...

Biases are not only negative impediment...

Some biases are positive and acquired in specific training environment as our own created incrementally dedicated acoustic room..

Have you ever created one yourself ?

I bet no...

If you had created one you will understand how hearing can delude us yes but most of the time inform us...You will had used as i have working on my room /system simple blind test...No need to ABX double blind circus...We are not here to prove our gold hearing ability but to create our own room ...

Guess what properties here are essential for survival in nature ?

No not the delusion part or aspects of hearing the informative trained one the more important one ...

We must learn to hear in real environment , for example trackers in jungle...Our own well known room especially our dedicated self created one ...

We dont learn to hear to be debunk by Circus James Randi ...

And yes hamburger with Mushroom and caviar and truffes help hearing...



It was supposed to be ecosystem not echo system…fat finger + autocorrect = nonsense 

And yes hamburger with Mushroom and caviar and truffes help hearing...

Caviar on hamburger…I haven’t graduated to that level yet. Just don’t eat nachos when listening. They are too crunchy and can effect the soundstage that the recording engineer created using his mogami cables.

Caviar on hamburger

Caviar instead of beef ... How uneducated are you? 😊