My personal experience is this: I have purchased speakers used that I could not afford new. In my case I was happy with the used ones and the 11K I saved- which went into a good DAC. I was happy with the allocation, Additionally the mfg. warranty transferred. No issues arose and I use them to this day.
I have also purchased new. (times change, wealth changes, etc.) and I was not especially bothered or impressed by "brand new" although the speakers were and still are impressive.
It's totally an individual thing. To me my AMG 63 was a steal 18 mos. old. I saved 35K. It felt new to me. So did the used speakers. Because I'm a number nerd I consider how much 25K or 35K is worth in a decent investment multiplied by 20 or 30 years, As Warren Buffett says "It soon appears indefensible". I'm 62. That wealth will get used either by me or my heirs. That's defensible. Meanwhile I have luxury for "relatively cheap".