IC upgrade advice - Lost

Looking for advice on upgrading my current Audioquest Sidewinder IC's. They will be used in between a Cary SLI-80 F1 and a Cambridge Audio 840C. Speakers are Merlin TSM-MMe.

I'm not looking to break the bank. Probably $200 max on the used market. These AQ IC's are the only pair that I have ever used so I have no idea what to expect with switching out IC's.

Looking for guidance. Cheers!
I had Sidewinders in my system. I upgraded to Diamondbacks, which was a significant and worth the money improvement over the Sidewinders. I now use King Cobra's. They are an improvement in clarity with tighter bass over the Diamondbacks but the Diamondbacks seem to throw a larger sound stage.

If you want to stay with Audioquest, I have a feeling you would appreciate the Diamondbacks. At least I could appreciate the improvement in my system.
You have to remember that what sounds good to other people in their system,might me completely unacceptable to you in your system.It seems you are interested in the Kimber Hero,grab a pair and try them.If they don't work for you,sell them and move on to something else.Just a thought.