ICEpower Digital Switching Amps?

Wondering what brands we have to choose from - especially those
made in the USA?

I know about Red Dragon, Acoustic Reality, Jazz(?)
I believe NuForce is a different technology.

Any obscure brands with the ICEpower module?
Any Pro Audio brands using digital switching?

Thank You
Sedona, try to compare features added to the class-D modules within each amp to have an idea of what it may sound like and whether the asking price is commensurate with the finished product. Out of the box, class-D modules are relatively inexpensive and generally do not sound that great. Additional parts and circuits built around the modules can improve the sound but can also increase the cost substantially. On the other hand, features that add to the cost with dubious effect on the sound are a waste of money. Here are just some of the areas to check:

1. Out of the box, the frequency responses of class-D modules are different and far from flat. For example, the ICE 500 is worse than the ICE 250 but both are not optimally flat. If nothing is done to improve this frequency response, the amp may sound dynamic but not very pleasant.

2. Class-D modules are susceptible to RF that can make the amp sound awful. Is anything done (such as transformer coupling at the input) to prevent RF from getting into the amp?

3. The ICE modules, like all class-D modules, radiate EMI that can create havoc with the amp’s sound. Did the designer do anything to keep module EMI from affecting the rest of the amp?

4. The power supply affects the sound but the problem may be more complicated than we think. Analog power supply (toroidal transformer and capacitors) seems to sound better than switching power supply; dual mono operation (to prevent inter-channel modulation) seems to also improve the sound. But I am not sure if and why the highly efficient class-D modules need a very stiff power supply. Maybe they do. We’ll learn more about that with time and experience.

Prices and values are not the same. If someone just sticks a class-D module inside a box off the shelf, the amp should not cost very much and not much should be expected from its sound. On the other hand, not all expensive parts built around the modules serve to improve the sound. Some may serve only to impress gullible buyers. You should critically compare design features, construction quality, and price and then try to listen to the amp first before buying.
Justin_time...Thanks for a sensible discussion. I would really like to see a "white paper" with technical details on the various deficiencies of the ICE modules, and ways to correct them. In particular I am puzzled by the reported need for a robust and expensive power supply for circuitry that draws so little current. I will accept reports that such a power supply improves performance, but I really doubt that it is the current delivery capability per se that does the job, and I think that if the real reason is discovered a much simpler and cheaper solution can be found.
If you read what I wrote, I did not say that they "stand on equal ground".

You do not know how many I have sold, or how many competitors amps I have had to analyze (for any number of reasons). Don't assume facts not in evidence. I do not know who or what you are, but you are not a designer of power amps. I know a lot of the "big names" in the industry, and I am certain that their opinion will more closely mirror mine than yours.

As for "robust and expensive power supply", would you care to be more specific? The ICEpower modules require 3 power supplies to operate. Takes up room, costs $ to implement. Even if you take short cuts.
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AR T, Sorry about getting testy. If I misread your intentions, you have my apologies. All I can say, is the listeners at my place, and other places, where we have tested a wide array of amps over time, it has been the differences in the new module powered amps, H2O, TacT, Evo, eAR, and others, that have elicited the most starting reactions. Various Pass, Classe, Krell, Plinius, Mark Levinson, to name some, have not been as easy to tell apart.

Can you explain why the ICE 500A module needs 3 power supplies? I would like to see your product line. Can you direct us to your web site? Thank you.