If money is not a problem

What speakers would you buy if you had unlimited funds?
Von Schweikert VR11. And the room to go with it. I'd move up to Art Audio's best electronics also. So please send me the money to do it. That is why you asked the question isn't it?

Blessings, Bob
If money is not a problem, what brand of speakers would not be MY problem either. I would pay whatever to bring Preservation Hall Jazz Band to my mega-mansion for an exclusive, private performance. Then I would check with my publicist to see if she can book Michael Bolton at http://www.grabow.biz/Contemporary/MichaelBolton.htm.

Of course, the sound engineers that come with these packages can bi-amp their mega-wattage PA speakers for me. I wouldn't really care about THD or codecs, because in the end, it's only music.
I'd simply choose a talent to design and build the spkrs for me to my specs. I know what I want, I just don't know how to do all of it and can't afford what I DO know...
Tidal T1 system - I guess that choice may be considered an acclamation for my present Contrivas - and I'd bring in Thomas Fast to treat the room.
Cables probably Argento Audio Serenity Master Reference or Virtual Dynamics Genesis or Stealth Dream + Dream Bass (I would have to audition all of these plus a few more, of course)

As a second system perhaps Black Forest "Helix To Heaven" + "Mammut C" for the kick of a full range system.

And to accompany watching the occasional movie a 7.0 Klipschorn system :^)