If Power Cords Don't Matter...

First of all, I don’t own any high-end power cords, mostly because I can’t fit them behind my rack. Second, I am not trying to stir up controversy, as you will see from my question. I understand that the people who believe power cords make no difference argue that once the power gets into the component, the AC is converted to DC and the power supply of the component takes over completely. I think I have that right for the most part. So it that’s true, and it probably is from a traditional EE standpoint, why is it that I have not heard anyone say that power conditioners make no difference? I am not aware of anyone with a decent system ever saying that a Niagara or Triton or Audience teflon conditioner didn’t affect their sound, for good or for bad. So if the EE theory is true, wouldn’t power conditioners make no difference either? I have an Audience AR6T for almost 10 years and I think it made a big difference. BTW - I am not talking about Power Plants, which deal with voltage stabilization, which is a different topic.  Obviously, if your AC voltage is way off, it's going to cause problems.  
+1 for cheap power cords from Amazon. For $50 per power cord, even if it won’t satisfy you, you only lose $50 which is miniscule when it comes to HiFi.  They are made in China but most of them are very decent in quality.

I got some myself and they definitely improve the sound.
Get the largest gauge you can.
Can anyone care to explain why that would be?  Imagine the tiny little fuse between power cable and your equipment.  Wouldn't it be a bottleneck?  Then why would a power cable make any difference that whatever current has to pass through the tiny little fuse?
I am not an Electrical Engineer, but I know enough to respect electricity.
That being said, as my components within my systems were upgraded/improved, the differences and appreciation of power cords/conditioners etc. also greatly improved.

However, if your audio rig is low fi it would be similar to putting high performance tires on a Yugo. (Are they still made?) It won’t matter.

Sorry guys, all you need to do is experience what a quality power cord can provide in a quality system. Please leave out the $50 Amazon waste of money power cord versions and the long drawn tired comments about power cords don’t matter.

Those comments are better stated on other websites.

Please leave out the $50 Amazon waste of money power cord.
I suppose you don't believe that the cheap Amazon power cords will improve the sound?

Probably not, but I really don’t know.
But if it doesn’t, would that represent all power cords performance?
