I would buy the Harmonic Precision Caravelles with their stands, YBA Passion Intgegre, and if you need those very low Hz (as I did) get a Jame EMB sub woofer) I'm suggesting these components from first hand listening experience as you can see if you click onto my "system." You will be hard pressed to find better. Different? Certainly, but sound to die for. And you can buy them new. peace, warren
BTW the Maggie recommendation is a good one, but the amp (as far as power goes)is not, IMO. You need a shit load more quality watts to run those babies. Figure 400 per, not to be behind the eightball. Maggies, also, need oodles of room. And I mean oodles to really sing...
BTW the Maggie recommendation is a good one, but the amp (as far as power goes)is not, IMO. You need a shit load more quality watts to run those babies. Figure 400 per, not to be behind the eightball. Maggies, also, need oodles of room. And I mean oodles to really sing...