If You Like Funk: Check Out Vulfpeck

Please leave your thoughts: love it, hate it, somewhere in between or indifferent? And I apologize for the bad dancing white guy in the video. 
Ag insider logo xs@2xastewart8944
@david_ten Thanks for commenting. I like the The Beautiful Game comment especially. I'm also really grateful for everyone who is weighing in. I'm trying to get our generation listening to and honestly commenting on the current generation's latest stuff. This helps my dialogue with my sons and also their friends. Believe it or not they really care about what our generation says about music. Generally speaking, they just don't think we will listen to it. I grew up in a house where my music needed to be kept low because my dad wasn't interested in hearing it. Now, I listen to almost anything--and I have found that saying that I like it or I don't (after listening to it) is the most important thing. Why I like it or don't, at least to me, is not the main point. BTW, I like Vulfpeck; I don't love them. I think the bass player is very good and will probably outlast this band. I also happen to like this Brothers Johnson number https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XgsJLGQTfEE which Rolling Stone describes as a funk (R&B) band. After listening to more Vulfpeck, this is where I think they are trying to get, at least on some of their tracks--clearly not there yet IMO--and might not get there.      
@astewart8944   Since you are reaching out to your sons, here is something from before their birth, that (in my opinion) remains current, especially since we are talking 'Funk.'  This is a New Orleans group, another reason for sharing. : ) 

Galactic // 'Crazyhorse Mongoose'


@david_ten +1 Galactic//"Crazy Mongoose" Very delightful! New to me: Who is that drummer?
I just sent the link to my boys.
Thank you
@david_ten Do you have an opinion on which Galactic "Crazy Mongoose" CD is better? There is a Capricorn Records (1998), Volcano Records(1998), an Evangeline Recorded Works (HDCD) out of the UK(1998) and a Universal Int'l (HDCD) from Japan (2000). 
Stanton Moore on drums.

I've been 100% streaming for quite some time now, so cannot help with CD selection. Maybe someone who knows the labels well, can direct you.

Glad you like it!