If your whole system costs $40,000....

how much will you invest in CD player with that sum?

I have been wondering my CD section is the weakest link, its around 10% of my system cost. I wonder people who are using some $10k players how much their whole system costs roughly...... Anyone can share their experience in upgrading their CD players?
I almost have 2 systems. If you're looking at retail

Amp retail 5000
other amp retail 2900
Speaker retail 7500
Preamp retail 7500
Other Preamp retail 1100
regenerator retail 2500
sub retail 1400
sub retail 1200
sub retail 1200
cdp retail w/ upgrade 6000
cdp retail 1200
cdp retail 400
cables retail 2200

Total retail 40,100

There you go.
There is a chinese saying A frog under the well, TP

I am very much appreciate some folks are reading the topic carefully and answer what was asked, which helps. Only People with good level do that, e.g. Garebear.
Grandtech, guys here could have given you a break since you seem to speak English as a second language and were simply trying to conduct an impromptu survey on spending habits. But guys in the audio forums love to blast and bash. The nature of the hobby I'm afraid. I should say some guys.
Very simple. Spend as much as you can afford to spend on the best player for the amount of money that fits your budget.
Foster, you are right about me. Can you explain the word impromptu? Giving me a break? Could be worst?

BTW, thanks for your spending data! You are one of the few folks answering the question.