I am trying to conduct a survey here in order to give myself a reference how one with spend on a CDP vs the rest of his system.
Who is willing to share? I had posted mine earlier here. |
Yes, you are right. Say for example, $4000 for cdp, $36000 for others e.g. speaker, amp, pre, cables, etc. Thats spending 10% of whole system.
Great form of reply, thanks! If you are able to state individual costs would be more informative, but may taking you too much time though. |
In other words, I would like to know most of you how important do you treat investing a CDP is among the whole system. Especially a ratio on SPEAKER : CDP, I know this is not scientific, but I just really wonder I am too far from average, my speaker $7500, my cdp is $2100. My pre-amp is $4100, my amp is $3500.
My idea is upgrade a CDP to get more analytical detail and extensions on the bottom, am I on a right direction or what? |
Actually I am not asking for advice of what CDP to go for.
I might need to clarify the purpose of this thread, how important is a CDP among all the items in your systems, in what ratio do you put your money into CDP vs SPEAKER, AMP.....
Thanks for reply anyway. |
"if your" system costs $40K, not mine, for a reference to start the topic with. It is retail, if it is USED, too many factors involved in pricing.
I said, I am not trying consult what to upgrade with, I know exactly what I should go for if money no object, but I wonder what fellows out there do, especially while money is a subject. For mentioning a reference point of $40k system, I was trying to narrow down to hear from a certain level of enthusiasts here. |
Some of the folks here just answer exactly what I am asking, especially the recent post of MAPMAN, its around 10%. I am not going to use it as a limit, but I just want to know what is happening in others situation.
My CDP is SIMAUDIO CD 5.3x as some of you were asking. I am not sure how good it is, I haven't change to other cdp since I put up my systems 3 years ago.
My gears total up $29000 retail excluding cables ICs, and power conditioners.
Welcome and look forward to more post of your spending experience......
p.s. I may start a new thread to consult all experience fellows if I want advises for solving my system issue. |
Thanks Garebear. Are you happy with the digital? Or moving up in mind already? |
I have just been thinking about it......How about a LINN DS, say Akurate DS/1..... |
I thank Garebear for "...once again - same people have a response to just about every question asked here on this forum, and usually only with another question and never add any value to the OP question or sitaution. "
I did not suggest 10%, I was guiding fellows as an example to make the topic clear.
You took me wrong in the first place and I didnt want to spend time argue with you, since you open your mouth again while you said you would shut up, I am unable to let you confusing fellows here anymore, yes, I suggest you to shut up and quit this post, thanks for your contribution to this thread. |
TP, I dont know what do you mean if your have $40k then I dont need to consider how much to spend on a CDP. Is that you are say $40k is good enough for anything in this AUDIO world? A CDP is easily gets to 10K or over not to mention a descent pair of speaker can easily get to 30K-40K a pair. |
There is a chinese saying A frog under the well, TP
I am very much appreciate some folks are reading the topic carefully and answer what was asked, which helps. Only People with good level do that, e.g. Garebear. |
Foster, you are right about me. Can you explain the word impromptu? Giving me a break? Could be worst?
BTW, thanks for your spending data! You are one of the few folks answering the question. |