If your whole system costs $40,000....

how much will you invest in CD player with that sum?

I have been wondering my CD section is the weakest link, its around 10% of my system cost. I wonder people who are using some $10k players how much their whole system costs roughly...... Anyone can share their experience in upgrading their CD players?

Showing 12 responses by grandetech

I am trying to conduct a survey here in order to give myself a reference how one with spend on a CDP vs the rest of his system.

Who is willing to share? I had posted mine earlier here.

Yes, you are right. Say for example, $4000 for cdp, $36000 for others e.g. speaker, amp, pre, cables, etc. Thats spending 10% of whole system.


Great form of reply, thanks! If you are able to state individual costs would be more informative, but may taking you too much time though.
In other words, I would like to know most of you how important do you treat investing a CDP is among the whole system. Especially a ratio on SPEAKER : CDP, I know this is not scientific, but I just really wonder I am too far from average, my speaker $7500, my cdp is $2100. My pre-amp is $4100, my amp is $3500.

My idea is upgrade a CDP to get more analytical detail and extensions on the bottom, am I on a right direction or what?
Actually I am not asking for advice of what CDP to go for.

I might need to clarify the purpose of this thread, how important is a CDP among all the items in your systems, in what ratio do you put your money into CDP vs SPEAKER, AMP.....

Thanks for reply anyway.
"if your" system costs $40K, not mine, for a reference to start the topic with. It is retail, if it is USED, too many factors involved in pricing.

I said, I am not trying consult what to upgrade with, I know exactly what I should go for if money no object, but I wonder what fellows out there do, especially while money is a subject. For mentioning a reference point of $40k system, I was trying to narrow down to hear from a certain level of enthusiasts here.
Some of the folks here just answer exactly what I am asking, especially the recent post of MAPMAN, its around 10%. I am not going to use it as a limit, but I just want to know what is happening in others situation.

My CDP is SIMAUDIO CD 5.3x as some of you were asking. I am not sure how good it is, I haven't change to other cdp since I put up my systems 3 years ago.

My gears total up $29000 retail excluding cables ICs, and power conditioners.

Welcome and look forward to more post of your spending experience......

p.s. I may start a new thread to consult all experience fellows if I want advises for solving my system issue.

I thank Garebear for "...once again - same people have a response to just about every question asked here on this forum, and usually only with another question and never add any value to the OP question or sitaution. "

I did not suggest 10%, I was guiding fellows as an example to make the topic clear.

You took me wrong in the first place and I didnt want to spend time argue with you, since you open your mouth again while you said you would shut up, I am unable to let you confusing fellows here anymore, yes, I suggest you to shut up and quit this post, thanks for your contribution to this thread.
TP, I dont know what do you mean if your have $40k then I dont need to consider how much to spend on a CDP. Is that you are say $40k is good enough for anything in this AUDIO world? A CDP is easily gets to 10K or over not to mention a descent pair of speaker can easily get to 30K-40K a pair.
There is a chinese saying A frog under the well, TP

I am very much appreciate some folks are reading the topic carefully and answer what was asked, which helps. Only People with good level do that, e.g. Garebear.
Foster, you are right about me. Can you explain the word impromptu? Giving me a break? Could be worst?

BTW, thanks for your spending data! You are one of the few folks answering the question.