iMac audio issues

I have an iMac (model right before the first dual core) and have been running through an M-Audio Audiophile firewire eternal DAC for about four years. During this time, the internal iMac speakers by and large didn't work when selected in system preferences.

I now have an HRT DAC I would like to compare to the M-Audio DAC, and I can't get a signal to it. The HRT shows up in the audio preference list, but the only sound I can get through the iMac to the HRT is sound effects. I can also get sound effects when the iMac internal speakers are chosen.

I have disconnected the M-Audio and deleted all related software with no improvement. I think I have a software issue that needs to be repaired.

Anyone else deal with iMac audio issues.

Yep, usb direct to the back of iMac (27" 3.06GHz OS X 10.6.4) it worked OK
initially. I have tried a different usb cable. and some basic diagnostics.
A powered usb hub does not work, Leopard does not see the HRT when attached to a hub apparently.

That's odd that Leopard doesn't see the HRT via a powered hub for you. That is not the case with any of the various HRTs I have had the opportunity to try out: the II, II+ and the Pro.

Do you use a Mac? Maybe I should try again before I return the powered hub.