iMac audio issues

I have an iMac (model right before the first dual core) and have been running through an M-Audio Audiophile firewire eternal DAC for about four years. During this time, the internal iMac speakers by and large didn't work when selected in system preferences.

I now have an HRT DAC I would like to compare to the M-Audio DAC, and I can't get a signal to it. The HRT shows up in the audio preference list, but the only sound I can get through the iMac to the HRT is sound effects. I can also get sound effects when the iMac internal speakers are chosen.

I have disconnected the M-Audio and deleted all related software with no improvement. I think I have a software issue that needs to be repaired.

Anyone else deal with iMac audio issues.

try plugging the hrt into the actual computer, not the keyboard or other item

In audio midi> devices look for "properties for" your dac should be on the list in the pull down. Select it.

Then on the right select it as the default output. the system out put is usually best as built in (alerts go through internal speakers).

Double check that the format(rate) is acceptable. I prefer it as whatever the source is. Redbook (regular) CD is 41000.
set the bit depth at its highest, but if things still do not work you can try switching it to lower. Do not be alarmed. My guess is that you have the default output set on internal...

Yep, usb direct to the back of iMac (27" 3.06GHz OS X 10.6.4) it worked OK
initially. I have tried a different usb cable. and some basic diagnostics.
A powered usb hub does not work, Leopard does not see the HRT when attached to a hub apparently.

That's odd that Leopard doesn't see the HRT via a powered hub for you. That is not the case with any of the various HRTs I have had the opportunity to try out: the II, II+ and the Pro.

Do you use a Mac? Maybe I should try again before I return the powered hub.