Sfar, here's one thing to try (hope it works--I don't know another thing to try). BTW, if you can play the same files through iTunes from another user account without distortion, this almost certainly is the problem.
The iTunes preference file can get corrupted, and this can lead to distorted playback (I have no idea why this is!). With iTunes closed, go to the Library folder in your user folder, open the Preferences folder and look for the "com.apple.iTunes.plist" file. Drag it to the Desktop (you can Trash it later, if this fix works). Start up iTunes, and it will build itself a new preferences file. Play music, and hopefully the sound quality will be restored to normal.
You may have to reset some of your preferences--be especially sure that your iTunes Music Folder Location is set properly to avoid surprises as you add files to your collection in the future. Your existing music library and playlists will not be affected at all by trashing the preferences file.
Hope this works for you.
The iTunes preference file can get corrupted, and this can lead to distorted playback (I have no idea why this is!). With iTunes closed, go to the Library folder in your user folder, open the Preferences folder and look for the "com.apple.iTunes.plist" file. Drag it to the Desktop (you can Trash it later, if this fix works). Start up iTunes, and it will build itself a new preferences file. Play music, and hopefully the sound quality will be restored to normal.
You may have to reset some of your preferences--be especially sure that your iTunes Music Folder Location is set properly to avoid surprises as you add files to your collection in the future. Your existing music library and playlists will not be affected at all by trashing the preferences file.
Hope this works for you.