Jayboard, dumping the preference file worked! Thanks a lot.
Back when I was running systems under OS 9, tossing the preferences file was almost routine when troubleshooting any application problem but it had never come up for me under OS X and it would never had occured to me that audio output quality might be connected to a corrupt preferences file.
There was a second file in the preferences folder that I took out at the same time, com.apple.iTunes.eq.plist, which I assume contains the software equalizer preferences. I'd been wondering if the equalizer settings were part of the problem, even before your suggestion. I don't know which file it was that was causing the problem but now it's working quite well.
Your solution saved me a lot of time and probably some money since I don't feel compelled to race out and try a digital-out solution. I'll probably try something like the Waveterminal eventually but, for now, things sound great.
Thanks again, I really appreciate your help.
Back when I was running systems under OS 9, tossing the preferences file was almost routine when troubleshooting any application problem but it had never come up for me under OS X and it would never had occured to me that audio output quality might be connected to a corrupt preferences file.
There was a second file in the preferences folder that I took out at the same time, com.apple.iTunes.eq.plist, which I assume contains the software equalizer preferences. I'd been wondering if the equalizer settings were part of the problem, even before your suggestion. I don't know which file it was that was causing the problem but now it's working quite well.
Your solution saved me a lot of time and probably some money since I don't feel compelled to race out and try a digital-out solution. I'll probably try something like the Waveterminal eventually but, for now, things sound great.
Thanks again, I really appreciate your help.