Importance of Amplifier versus Preamp?

New in the field. I am wondering what is most important: a great amplifier with a good preamplifier, or a good amp, with a great preamplifier? Or should I look at a good amp with a great do certain brands make amplifier to go with preamplifier and receivers?
Thank you kindly.
SAE's used to be the dealer's amp of preference for OHM speakers.

You can buy vintage OHMs used for not much, buy upgrades for any model still from OHM, or buy new refurbs or totally new speakers from OHM as well.

Just one option. Many others as well. Read up on what's out there first before deciding.

the pre-amp, is the most important piece of the audio chain, as, it is the heart of any system. It should be of the best quality and build. Which brand/model interests you?
Happy Listening!
I just purchased , used , a Sony ta 55e77s, and I have a Nikko Beta 20.
What would you suggest that is vintage, from 1985 through 200 that would be good.Thanks.
R&R'er, those are not the model numbers you had indicated in your earlier post. Also, I can't find any indication that there ever was a Sony "ta 55e77s." Can you clarify, more precisely?

The comments in my previous post remain as stated regardless of whether the Nikko is a Beta 20 or a Beta II (Roman numeral "2"). However that may not be the case with respect to the Sony.

BTW, I had assumed in my previous post that when you referred to a "Sony TA77ESD" in your earlier post that you were actually referring to a "Sony TA-E77ESD."

-- Al

here we go: SONY TA-E77ESD is my preamp working with the SAE 2101 amplifier.Sorry about that mistake.
I just bought another amp:Sony TA-E330ES for my office.
I probably will pair it with the Nikko Beta 20.
What bookshelf speakers would be a good choice? Thank you kindly.