Impressions of Coincident Speakers

Wanted - Impressions of Coincident Super Victory III

Would like to find individuals owning or hearing the Coincident Super Victory III (or other similar Coincident Speaker Technologies speaker) and / or the Devore Super 9 speaker.

I am in the market for a new pair of high sensitivity / high-flat impedance curve speakers with a nominal impedance of 8 ohms or greater. 1st order crossover, highly dampened woofer, etc.

I’m researching Devore Super 9’s and Coincident Super Victory III, so if you can describe tonal accuracy, treble and bass specifics, scale, stage/image, coherency, etc would very much be grateful for you taking the time to add to this forum your views on these speakers. It will mean a trip to SFO to listen to the Devore Super 9’s and since the Super Victory III’s are sold factory direct, my only option to purchase of these speakers would not include listening to them, buying unheard (so to speak). I’m wondering if those 12" woofers are more tame then what a sealed subwoofer would normally provide. My current speakers follow the base line with well defined and articulate notes; and thats what I am looking for. I have neighbors, and knowing I may be disturbing them with thundering room pressurizing bass distracts from my listening pleasure. I have an REL R305 sub for those times when I want to feel the kick of a bass drum and need the option of turning off subterraining bass. Coincident specs the speaker goes to 28Hz and the woofer is well damped for tube amplification. Any views / info regarding bass of these speakers would be very helpful in my selection between the above reference Devore and Coincident


My current speakers are Sonist Concerto 4, Genertaion 2, driven by 30 Watt P/Pull Class "A" (mostly) EL34 (Ars Sonus Filarmonia, with Jupiur Copper Foil / Bees Wax coupling caps)

Front baffles of speakers are approx 5’ from front wall, 9’ apart tweeter to tweeter, 3’ from side wall (center of tweeter to side wall. I sit 10 to 12 feet from front baffle of speaker. Opens up to kitchen behind where I sit, about 22 feet to wall behind my seat. So basically the entire area is 15’ wide X 37’ long, speakers on the narrower wall (15’)

I have purchased a LTA ZOTL 40 Integrated W/ EL34 Mullard tube upgrade. The LTA will be the primary amp in the new set-up.




Another long-time (12 year) owner of Coincident Total Eclipse II here.  I would echo Charles' sentiments regarding the speakers' low coloration, wide open soundstage, excellent dynamics and ease of load.  While I always have felt the rated 94+dB sensitivity was perhaps a bit overestimated, they are easily driven to room filling volume (and some) with a 30 watt push-pull tube amplifier (Berning EA230), and can achieve extremely high SPLs with anything over 50WPC.  I have tried them with a K&K Audio modified ST70 running in class A with KT88s strapped to triodes to produce 8WPC, but they always felt a bit starved for my room size and preferred listening volumes; I generally use a modified Berning ZH270 as my daily driver.  My experiences with Israel's other, newer speaker designs via audio shows (RIP, RMAF) has shown a strong family resemblance to what I hear with my Total Eclipse.  No plans to change speakers anytime soon.




Thank You of the informative and helpful description you both have provided.

I understand that as a result of the chosen woofer / q-factor, that the bass drivers are well dampened and well controlled with tube amplification.  In my case 42 @ 8 ohms/51 Watts @ 4 Ohms.

Im trying to figure out if because of the moderate wattage typically used to drive these speakers if the woofer output is more tame and neighbor friendly at moderate listening levels then what a separate sealed box 500 watt, integral amp REL type subwoofer would produce (even at a lower volume level). I want to hear what's on the recording and hear the lower register of the kick drum but not at the expense of disturbing neighbors. 

I'm hoping that at least some of that makes sense to you with regard to my preference in bass performance. Basically, I just don't know what to expect from these two 12" aluminum woofers.

Thanks for all your help and advice



Im trying to figure out if because of the moderate wattage typically used to drive these speakers if the woofer output is more tame and neighbor friendly at moderate listening levels then what a separate sealed box 500 watt, integral amp REL type subwoofer would produce (even at a lower volume level). I want to hear what's on the recording and hear the lower register of the kick drum but not at the expense of disturbing neighbors. 

Brad in my opinion you will be fine. I wouldn't say that the bass reproduction is "tame" it is present yet controlled,  certainly not  overemphasized or too prominent. It will be suitably proportional to the volume level chosen. I believe that the proposed LTA push pull amplifier is going to be a fantastic pairing with the Coincident Super Victory III. 

I really suspect that this combination is going to be very open, transparent,  3 dimensional with beautiful tonality and harmonics but avoiding gratuitous warmth.



I owned a pair of Partial Eclipse II's for over 12 years that I bought new and have nothing but good things to say about them.  Always ran them with lower powered tube amps from 12 to 55 wpc.  When the amp wasn't up to snuff the Partials revealed it.  Israel builds great speakers - I can't imagine you not liking them especially w/that LTA amp.


Thank you so much for taking your time to answer my questions.  You have been very helpful. Your description of the bass not being overemphasized or too prominent pretty much answered questions I had regarding the overall bass character of the SV III. Prominent and overemphasized bass is exactly how I find the REL R305 I have, even when matching sub to speaker volumes, and is what I am trying to stay away from. I think I remember at one time reading that you had installed different caps in your Super Eclipse . I may be mistaken, but if  you did, what where brand were they. Just interested for future reference

Thanks again
