skso, you have any problem with noise and the power supply to your Comcast modem? Everyone I get I have to tinker with to get rid of the GL issues.
Mine are quiet as a mouse now. I put a brick on mine too with a dampening mat between them too.
"And the beat goes on"
"Shooting yourself is preferable to going to the "store" around here." Where on earth do you live? I use to visit El Pueblo in Pittsburg CA. One way in and no way out if you got in trouble.. I'm a blue eyed Anglo! I never had a problem.
Same when I use to work the fields with the locals cutting asparagus, dabbing corn, hoeing tomatoes, picking cherries, cotts and the packing sheds. Late 60s I got along because I worked and paid attention. I kept my mouth shut. I still carry a straight razor.
As for guns they just don't scare me, never have. I do respect them. A pickup truck is a lot more convincing. I've chased a few through the city park.. My dog loves it..
Pickup truck and a Mauri War Club.. I put on Gaelic War paint there can be a problem.. "fag un benlach" Clear the way.