In need of some Amplifier advice. Is therereally any point in it with my current setup?

Hello. I have posted in the past, but have since learned a little bit more from reading audio forums, and doing some research and have come to somewhat of a juncture. 

I figure I could "stair step" up on my own and enjoy the ride, or, ask those who have most likely been where i am before and skip a few steps =). 

My current setup consists of a Yamaha adventage-A3070 AV receiver (150wattsx8ohms 2chd), and 2 Polk LSIM707 towers. 

I've been looking at used Classe amps here on audiogon, or possibly a new parasound Halo A21 power aplifier,  and have thought about purchasing them. 

My question is, would my Yamaha advantage 3070 even be a sufficient pre-amp? It has pre-outs for all channels, and it also has an ess sabre DAC for my digital flac files. Or would using the Yamaha as a pre completely destroy the sound of the power amplifier? Essentially wasting $1,000-$3,000. 

My other question is pretty obvious. Should I trade up, just spend the $1,000-$3,000 on better set of speakers I've been eye balling like  the EMT-LFT8s, and stick with the Yamaha receiver's power for now. 

If it were you. What would you do? 


Showing 4 responses by mtrot


I’m not sure if you are aware, but there is a great dealer right there in Moore, OK where you can listen to some speakers. Great guy to work with. I’m sending you a private message. I agree with others here that, as an actual transducer, different speakers will make the biggest difference in the overall sound that you will hear.

I, like you, always wondered if I could improve the two channel sound quality of my receiver by adding a separate amp. I have paired separate amps with several receivers, including a Yamaha RX-V1800, Onkyo TX-NR 809, and Denon AVR-X5200. I always like to get receivers that are in the upper middle of the manufacturer’s range, as I do believe they use a bit better components than their "el cheapo" models, but more importantly, because they offer pre-outs. The amps I have used in conjunction with my receivers include a McCormack DNA-1 Deluxe rev. A, Sherbourn 5/1500a, and Krell FPB 400cx.

Now, my family room system is where I have the newest AVR, which is the Denon. The amp I currently have paired with the Denon is a Krell FPB 400cx, which is a class A power amp. I must say, there is something nice about the sound I am now getting with the addition of the Krell. But it is expensive and runs hot as Hades.

If you do decide to add a separate amp, you will need a set of interconnects and I recommend a quality set.

@ moskaudio

For the message I sent, you first have to go to the main Audiogon page and navigate to your name/profile box in the upper right corner, where there will be a drop down list of options.  Select "Dasboard", then "Inbox".  Then my message should appear.

Also, I agree with soix above that there is no need for switching cables; you just get a pre-amp or integrated amp with home theater bypass.  I am currently researching this and looking at various pre-amps and integrated amps. 
@ moskaudio

What did you decide to do?  Have you listened to any speakers or amps?
Nice!  I believe that the dealer in Moore that I sent you carries all of those.  In a little higher price range, the new Anthem STR integrated amp is getting nice reviews, and it also has home theater bypass, so that you can keep your Yamaha 3070 in action.