In search for speakers of "natural" sound

I am using a pair of Harbeth speakers. However, I am not satisfied with the 'naturalness' of the sound (it could be that I am so demanding). I am looking for a pair of speakers that can produce the more natural and organic sound than Harbeth if there is any.

I know that it depends on the amp, cables, and other variables. However, let's assume that with the appropriate gears, which speakers do you think can produce the "most natural sound"? By "natural", I mean the sound that we hear directly from musical instruments, from the singer without going through any amplification.

There is a user mentioning that speakers from the past used that 'natural sound' as a reference when designed speakers. In contrast, the sound today (even the hi-end one) is to "hi-fi". He guessed it could be less people have chance to listen to live / acoustic music than before.  

Is it right?

Thank you for your experience and recommendation!

P.S: I know that my questions are silly and dumb, please bear with me.

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I like Vandersteen speakers. I will say though I have not heard as many speakers others here on AG have heard. But so far, these speakers sound the most organic and natural to me. It does take some effort to set them up correctly and they need space around them. I used a tube integrated amp and keep the stereo setup very simple.
I think if I didn’t need to occasionally blow the windows out I would probably pick Maggie’s.
I heard the Gato floorstanders recently. V natural sound, with their amps. Big fan of that brand.
When I had Harbeth M30's I found they sounded much better after I added a REL subwoofer and properly dialed it in.  
Since then I've moved up to Monitor 40.1's and that was the magic I was after for the natural sound I was after.  
I've also gone through several amplifiers and still like to hear others that I haven't heard yet.  I wouldn't give up on the 30.1's until you heard them with other amps first.