Inexpensive Tube Integrated Amp (Hybrid) To Use With Coincident Speakers

I’m a bit of a neophyte with digital applications, so please be patient with me.  I have 15 year old very sensitive Coincident Tower Speakers.  We have moved into a small house, and I want to set up a section of the “great room,” as they call it, for my music listening, away from the TV. Israel Blum, the creator of Coincident sells very expensive tube amps which, as a retired teacher, I cannot afford.  What I am looking for is a decent tube integrated amp, or small SS integrated amp, with low wattage and warmth, to drive my Cooincidents, which are very sensitive speakers.  However, I do not use records or CDs, and stream music from Spotify. Is there an integrated amp that would meet my needs?  Would I need a DAC, which I truly have no understanding of?  Monoprice makes an integrated, hybrid, tube amp, but I heard it hums like crazy and has a myriad of problems.  Do any of you have suggestions?  Thanks much. 
Musical Paradise has a hybrid integrated that sounds right up your alley.

This company has rave reviews for it's MP-301k Tube integrated. I wrote to Garry asking for a recommendation to drive Klipsch Chorus 1's. (That deal fell through). He recommended the 303. It includes a DAC - so you could connect your iPad or laptop and you're good to go...for $238 shipped!  
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