Inexpensive tweak

Just got back from a business trip to find that our cat had thrown up on my Audible Illusions preamp (unfortunately vented on top). Everything was dried up. Haven't looked inside yet. Not sure how to clean a circuit board. But I've noticed that my system is more revealing than before. I won't share details of exactly where on the preamp my cat got sick because I might want to try to market this tweak sometime in the future. :-)
Rockyboy, maybe your cat is trying to tell you something about your music!
Seantaylor99, is your cat bolemic? Trying to loose a few pounds to impress the ladies?
Our dog would suddenly jump up and make a sneaky exit out of the room. We'd snag him and put him back in his area. He never liked that. Funny, I thought you were supposed to like your own.
I have given this some thought. There are a number of issues here. But, let’s focus on marketability first, and then the social and legal matters. The only way to really make this marketable is to plastic bag it and then place that in a nicely finished wooden box and sell it as an ALL NATURAL anti-dampening device that sits on top of your equipment. You can match the wood finish to the customer's speakers (at an upcharge of course). Your cat was clearly heading in the right direction but did not have access to the necessary materials, possibly even needed parental guidance, to finish the job correctly. You should be ashamed of yourself for depriving said cat of its necessary enrichment needs. DCS (Departmnet of Cat Services..get it?) may want to speak with you. To avoid potentially devastating legal and financial considerations, I now hope you at least agree to pay it 10% of the profits as a royalty for inventing this "all natural" anti-dampening device.