Infinity Servo Statics 1A's...where are they???

I had the great pleasure (some might say privilage) of hearing the Infinty Servo Static 1-A's a number of times, years ago.
I have searched e-bay.....audiogon etc. for a used pair.I
know that only a few system were made......does anyone out there know of a working system or has had the opportuinity of hearing these great (at the time) speakers?
Upon reading these posts it is deja vu for me as a previous owner of both servo 1's and 1A's. Yes they do exist but you had to be a mechanic to keep them running. But when they were working they were the most dynamic and live speakers I have ever heard. So suductive but truly magnificant. I drove them with ARC D75A's and even used a D150 for the midrange. There were amps and crossovers everywhere to made them work. But because my keds took over the 'rec' room I decided to sell them to a friend here in Vancouver who is an electical engineer and adept at maintanining them. Without doubt I will never forget my experience with them. My only remnant of Infinity now is a pair of Infinity 2000A's from the same vintage.Arnie Nudell was a true pioneer in audio. Good luck in your quest seeking for these babies.
Post everywhere you can looking for them. There is a site or two somewhere in my files that when I find it I will forward on to you. While you are romanticizing about owning a pair of these, please remember you might have to tune up your technical skills, because being that old they are more than likely going to have some wiring and panel problems. I used to own a pair of I's, and I do miss them. But I also used to own a 2002 in the 70's and when I just recently bought another(in better condition) to relive that part of my youth, I thought it wasn't the same car, then I realized I was not the same man.
Infinity goofed. They lowered the crossover point to 75hz on the 1A's and the mid panels couldn't handle the extra power. I have been running Servo 1's for forty years and they don't catch fire often enough LOL to worry about.....

Tim in Scottsdale
In 1971 I heard the ESS TranStatic I (which employed a trio or RTR ESL tweeters, along with a KEF B110 5" midrange driver and B139 woofer in a transmission-line enclosure), then the Servo-Static I (same RTR ESL tweeters), and started saving money ;-) . Then in ’72 I heard the Magneplanar Tympani T-I, which I preferred to both. I now own both TranStatics and Tympani-T-IVa (as well as QUAD ESL's), but prefer to listen to my Eminent Technology LFT-8b, a vastly under-appreciated (by most) loudspeaker.
I agree Plato.....the best speaker I can remember....driven with Audio Research tubes, ...Decca cartridge.   Just jaw dropping greatness.