Innuos Statement vs Zenith Mk3 + PhoenixUSB

Has anyone compared the sound quality of the Innuos Statement vs the Zenith Mk 3 + PhoenixUSB, on a fairly revealing system? I’ve read several pro reviewers saying the boost in sound quality moving to the Statement is pretty small. One reviewer even said it was hard for him to hear the improvement of the Statement over the Zenith Mk3 + PhoenixUSB, but thought the Statement may have been slightly better. I also have the PhoenixNET.

My question pertains to the original Statement without the new next gen power supply upgrade. But, if anyone has experience with the next gen upgrade I’d be interested in that as well. The difference the upgrade makes is clearly audible on the YouTube demo comparisons, so I imagine the benefit in real life goes much further.



@gdnrbob one more thing - since you have a premium DAC with your Zenith, it’s quite possible that the PhoenixUSB may not make as much of a difference. DACs if that caliber may be more resilient to incoming jitter, and possibly noise as well. It would be an interesting experiment to try your PhoenixUSB with your Zenith and Brinkmann, I would think. If you don’t hear a big improvement, that would speak volumes on how effective your DAC is. It’s also possible moving to something like the Statement could make less of an impact than when paired with a lesser DAC like mine (which could be why Innuos selected my DAC for their Munich s Statement Next Gen demo). All just loosely formed conjecture on my part.

Correct. I had the Phoenix USB with my Zenith 3 and returned it as it sounded no better in my system with the Mojo Audio Evo Pro dac. I was a tad surprised. 

 I recently bought the zenith mk3, and I have a phoenix USB arriving next week. I use a Brinkmann Nyquist DAC.  I will let you know what I think after a few weeks of listening. I also purchased a used USB Regen which will arrive soon. A lot of comparisons to be made. 

@russ751 Is it not a bit redundant having the Phoenix USB and the Regen USB?

Just asking. Interested to see what you think after a few weeks.



i was not thinking of using both in the same system. The USB Regen was cheap enough that i thought it would be interesting to have it for a comparison. i also have a much cheaper bedroom system that can use it in.