Innuous Pulse vs Pulsar

Has anyone had the opportunity to A/B these? I own the Pulse and wonder whether the Pulsar is worth the upgrade and associated costs. Thanks!


I went directly  to the pulsar with the network switch. I just wanted to be done with it, and not always think could it be better.   No regrets. 

I owned the Zen, then Zenith 3 and recently upgraded to the Pulsar.  The Pulsar is a significant step up from the Zenith 3 sonically. Based on my experience with Innuos each time you upgrade you really do experience a nice sonic improvement. 

Not done a strict A/B test, but in my system the Pulse and Phoenix USB gave a much better listening experience than the Pulsar alone. The Pulsar was a short loan so perhaps I didn’t give it a long enough comparison.

Interesting. The Pulsar was better than the Phoenix and Zenith 3 combo to my ears and in my system.  So many variables in preference outcomes! 

I owned the Zen, then Zenith 3 and recently upgraded to the Pulsar.  The Pulsar is a significant step up from the Zenith 3 sonically.

@grannyring  That’s really interesting.  Thanks.