Responses from lmr27
Innuous Pulse vs Pulsar Not done a strict A/B test, but in my system the Pulse and Phoenix USB gave a much better listening experience than the Pulsar alone. The Pulsar was a short loan so perhaps I didn’t give it a long enough comparison. | |
Streamers and software Get an Innuos Pulse and be done with it. The Sense app is superb. | |
Streamer Recommendations Get an Innuos Pulse and be done with it. | |
Innuos Phoenix USB Reclocker - Sounds Worse? I was also contemplating a return of my Phoenix until I disconnected it from my system and noticed that things didn’t sound as good (I had been using it for a week). So then I reconnected it and now enjoying whatever it’s doing. My suspicion is th... | |
Integrated amp for 2500-3000 +1 to Musical Fidelity M-6Si. A great amp. | |
UPGRADE PATH FROM CHORD QUTEST DAC I upgraded to a Chord TT2 and never looked back. | |
Eversolo or Aurender: Options and Opinions +1000 Innuos. With Sense app. You won’t regret it. | |
Integrated Amps I own the MF M6si and I love it. Highly recommended. | |
Chord Dave Dbnc connect issue I had a related flickering with my TT2 and M-scaler. Realized it was a faulty BNC cable (would occur when I touched it) and replaced it. Problem solved. | |
Best streamer, don't want Roon, don't want a screen, A DAC is OK but not necessary +2 on Innuos Pulse. Best streamer I’ve ever used. | |
So, I bought a Chord Hugo TT2...now what? I own a TT2 and an M-scaler, connected to an Innuos Pulse streamer (and Innuos PhoenixUSB reclocker). Incredible sound in my system. I doubt I’ll ever upgrade again. | |
Streamer only I can strongly recommend an Innuos PULSE. The accompanying Sense app is the icing on the cake. Works flawlessly with Qobuz. | |
What the Best Dac have you heard or owned. How could you tell it was that good. I recently included a Chord TT2 into my system (replacing my Qutest). It's linked to an M-Scaler and the sound is great. Best sounding DAC I've ever owned. | |
New streamer I too own a Qutest and have paired it to an Innuos PULSE. Best combo ever. You won't regret it. | |
Upgrade from Innuos Zen Mini Mkiii to Innuos Pulse I can't comment on the upgrade itself as I never owned a Zen Mini but my experience with the Innuos PULSE has been great so far. My best ever sounding streamer. You won't regret it. |