Inside the Iso Acoustics mechanism

So what us inside the device? Springs? Dampening material or a combination? Thanks


If you need Fox News to ship the light then you are beyond redemption. CNN will not help either. 

My main problem is: How do I double-blind these against the stock spikes?!?!




I was not allowed to upload the Revopod cross section from their website. It is very informative and their description lays out how it works.



This is surely informative. Isoacoustics should emulate Revopod by providing the description as shown in the image above instead of an AutoCad sketch without any information. The cross section of the Revopod looks rather similar to the Gaia, perhaps without the spherical bearing. The elastomer damping layers are basically some sort of hardened rubber.

I have the IsoAcoustics Gaia's.They work great and I don't really care why.

What I am more curious about is the "how and why" of products like high end fuses.