Integrated amp + DAC + room correction all-in-one for Nola Boxer 1 + REL R328 sub

Dear forum,

I’m looking to upgrade my integrated amp + external DAC source to an all-in-one integrated amp + DAC + room correction box. Budget to $2500, may stretch to $2800 if super-compelling.

I currently use a Creek 5350se integrated amp, with external DAC input from a Yamaha RX-V773 AVR (TI/Burr-Brown PCM1681 DAC chip on whatever circuit Yamaha cooked up).

Loudspeakers are Nola Boxer 1 on Dynaudio Stand 4, and REL R328 sub connected by Neutrix cable to main L/R binding posts on amp. Loongg runs of ProWire speaker and Neutrix cables through crawlspace to loudspeakers / sub.

Music = classical + opera, electronic, new & old rock, alternative, trap, house

Room is 18’ x 12’ x 13’h average ceiling height (2808 cu feet), hardwood floors, random furniture objects. Speakers 6’ apart, REL sub in corner to right of right speaker, listening position 8’ from center of speaker axis.

Requirements (but will flex if compelling):

  1. one box, no separates: amp + DAC and ideally + room correction
  2. ethernet-in on DAC circuit <= can be talked out of this if sensible alternatives
  3. ’classic’ & useful front-plate design <= no NuPrime IDA-16
  4. simple, solid, non-stupid remote <= again, no NuPrime. Rogue doesn’t get hi marks here either
  5. known affinity with Nola Boxer 1 a huge plus

Here are units I’m researching in DESC order of coveting-ness:

  • Hegel H190 <= yes $4K USD srp, will stretch to $2800 to buy used
  • Parasound HINT6 Halo <= ESS Sabre32 Reference ES9018K2M DAC, new product, no reviews/track-record. No ethernet-in either. Will stretch to $2800 for used ... and probly have to wait a long time for that.
  • Creek Evolution 100A <= no ethernet-in. Eventual poor reliability experience with my existing Creek 5350se, which used a lo-quality ALPS input switch, which is failing
  • Micromega M-100 <= will stretch to $2800 for used. No ethernet-in afaict.
  • Rogue Cronus Magnum II <= reviews suggest cheap-feeling remote. No ethernet-in.
  • Yamaha A-S801 <= ’budget’ solution at $900 USD, ESS Sabre ES9010K2M DAC circuit. Needs Yamaha wireless connector for ethernet-in. May not have room correction?

All helpful feedback appreciated including units I haven’t considered. Relatedly, I’m wondering how much I’d give up if I went the ’budget’ route (Yamaha A-S801).
Thanks to all who piped up with suggestions/guidance.  After more research, reflection and attachment I've pulled the trigger on a Micromega M-100 (w/o room correction - that was an additional ~$900 USD). 

If anyone's interested I'll report back once the M-100 is settled in and hummin' (figuratively).
Hey Usery,  Let us know how you like the M100,  use a set of Isoacoustic footers and a good power cord and you will be loving the sound it is so musical.

Wish you would have contacted us about the piece we are very knowelgable about the M100 as we were one of the first displaying dealers for the product.

Good luck and burn it in well.

You can use Roon to control it via the airplay tab on Roon.

If we are right please say so.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ

Thanks! for the update - usery

Looking forward in reading your review soon.

Happy Listening! will be loving the sound
Looking forward in reading your review...

audiotroy, jafant:

merci - j’ai hâte ; j