Integrated amp for my Dynaudio Contour 30s!

Hello all...
have been extensively researching for the final upgrade for my Dynaudio Contour 30s. I tried to push these with my $1k Yamaha S801 Amp, which sounds it has completely missed the bass.
 I have a budget of $3~4K(used price).  I listen to everything from classical to techno.  I am weird like that :)
After reading endlessly, some of the finalists are from #1 choice down:

Anthem STR Integrated(I love the cosmetics, especially high tech display)
Hegel H190(I read numerous great reviews)
Simaudio Moon 600i(Probably out of my range, but reviews are outstanding!)
Simaudio 340i X(200wpc at 4ohm)
Krell Vanguard

Any inputs will be appreciated it!

Showing 3 responses by carmenc

Don’t forget Plinius.  Great synergy with Dynaudio.  The Hautonga ( one currently for sale relationship ) or an older 9200 if you can find one would work very well.  Good luck and keep us posted.
Hey nutty, thanks for the helping hand.  Sorry I’m late to your question puppyt.

Yes, they are hard to find these days.  Being a Plinius owner, that doesn’t make them not worth searching for.....especially with the right speakers.  Try New York Sound and Vision.  Thomas is great!  No vested interest just a happy customer.  On the west coast, Audio Waves.  Alan is a great guy as well.  Love my Plinius 9100 SE with my Tannoy's

I was about to sell mine a few months ago.  Glad I decided to be patient with it.  Power cords and cabling are real important with Plinius.  Even more so than with any other piece of gear I’ve owned.  Best and keep me posted.  Take care.
@puppyt....oh, and yes excellent synergy between Dyn and Plinius.  Search here and over at AA.  Lots of good stuff.  Take care.