Integrated amp for Synchrony Ones

I auditioned and purchased a pair of Synchrony Ones and am now looking for a well matched integrated amp. I'm on the fence between going with a somewhat powerful tube amp (thinking Rogue Cronus Magnum) or a more powerful SS integrated like a Musical Fidelity NuVista M3 or Plinius Hautonga. My budget tops out around $3k and I'm unable to audition anything so I'm trying to make as educated a decision as I can without actually listening to the amps.
If you have experience with the Synchrony Ones please offer your thoughts on appropriate amplification.
If you are serious about that Classe I would try to help facilitate the deal if need be :)

I honestly do t know much about that particular amp, i just know that I have really enjoyed all the Classe gear I've owned. If you get serious about it you might want to start a thread here on audiogon and get some feedback from actual owners of that amp. Also check out the reviews on thr dac section of the Classe. It does look like a nice piece and is something that I would personally consider!
I got in touch with the guy selling the Classe and I think I'm going to buy it. I read a review for the amp in Soundstage where the reviewer used Syncrhony Ones and reported that the amp handled them well - and I've seen nothing but positive reviews on the amp. Also reviewers say the amp is on the smooth side of things (I don't have the audiophile lexicon down) which in my scouring of Synchrony One reviews seemed to be a trait that was often recommended as a good match. Without being able to audition anything right now I think this is a good bet. Thanks again!
Also I found a chart in a Swedish magazine that tested the impedance of the classe:

8ohm: 135W
4ohm: 245W
2ohm: 435W
1ohm: 700W
(it actually listed 5 different readings by degrees which I don't understand)

So while not exactly doubling it gets pretty close. It seems like 435W at 2ohm should work well - I think the Synchrony Ones bottom out around 2.5 ohms or so.
Knowing these speakers, I would think that 4ohm:245W,
2ohm:435W is a good match.

Also reviewers say the amp is on the smooth side of things

That's good. I should have mentioned that you don't want an amp that is forward with extended highs. A smooth sounding amp should produce some natural sonics with these spkrs.
Congrats! I'm slightly jealous, which is a good thing in your case. I think you'll be happy with it. Class makes very solid gear. It's going to feel like a more substantial (built like a tank), higher end piece compared to the others mentioned. Do get back with us once you get it up and running. Combined with your Synchronies, you'll have a very nice rig. Well done!