Integrated amp recommendation

I recently bought a used pair of Swiss-made Piega p4L MKII floor-standing speakers. I am looking for a two-channel integrated amp to pair with them. Budget: $1,000.

Among the stated speaker specs: applied power rating 20-200 watts, sensitivity 89 db, 4 ohms impedance and frequency response 38 Hz-50 kHz. To me, the speakers’ sound can be described as natural, detailed and transparent, not aggressive and maybe slightly lacking in bass. The room is 12 x 20, carpeted but relatively bare. I listen primarily to classic rock, classic jazz and classical. I use a Bluesound Node 2i music streamer and CDs. Bluetooth would be nice but not essential.

Thank you for any assistance.


Highly suggest the $1500 price point - either the Rogue Sphinx v3 or the Schiit Ragnarok. Both have phono pre amp but Sphinx probably a better choice overall - it's the highest rated entry level integrated in history (probably). I bought one for my son and was completely impressed. I run the Schiit Freya+ into monoblocks - wish the Ragnarok had tubes and MC phono but the DAC option makes it standout a bit too as Schiit has amazing DACs for the $$$ 

Shopping used with a $1K budget, my short list would include Rogue Sphinx V1 or V2, Schiit Ragnarok V1 or a basic V2, and Peachtree Nova 150.

The Ragnarok is the one I know the best, so that is my favorite candidate. 😊 Solid build, decent resale, and excellent sound for the spend.

If you are willing to shop with a lot of patience and persistence, a Parasound HINT 6 is a nice secondhand buying opportunity at $1500.

Good luck!

Sent back the Rega Brio and upgraded to the Belles Aria....Much...Much more musical. Great integrated at around 12-15 hundred used.

Also might consider Schiit Vidar amp and one of the Schiit Saga or Freya preamps