I've not heard the super towers, I have the one piece signature system, but I suspect the sound will be similar sans a bit of bass. These are very revealing and you will easily hear the quality of your sources etc, so be careful what you choose. (As you can see from my 'systems' I use tubes, and have an excellent result using a ss CDP to a medium powered tube amp (I'm not necessarily recommending that for you, just so you understand my point of view).
I can't recommend a SS int amp to you based on limited experience with SS, but unless you intend to listen at high sound pressure levels with peaks in excess of 100db, I would recommend that you consider using tubes. There are a number of high quality integrated tube amps on the market right now which are inexpensive and easy to use. For example, you could do a lot worse than a Primaluna 1 or 2 (depending of the type of sound you prefer) and have a lot of money left over. There are so many to choose from right now. CDP - I'm wary of the Chinese stuff unless there is an extant on-shore service agency for them. CDP's often require service and I'm not sending mine to China!
I just read a review on 6moons - a new Chinese CDP by Raysonic. Read the review if for no other reason it is a good reference for the issues involving CDP's and the different types available. From the description in the review, if Raysonic actually has a proven onshore warranty or maintenance service that is independent (will be there 5 years from now when you need them) I'd be interested as the price is right. BTW, the Jolida and a SS amp, if that is Ty's recommendation, may be fine - in fact it is probably complimentary - but it may not be the last word, so to speak, in quality or performance. Just MHO.
Hope that helps a bit.