Integrated Tube Around $1000


I'm deciding to dip into the tube world and I'm looking for a few suggestions. I love the warm tube sound but I don't want to break the bank or take up huge amounts of space with mono blocks and a pre-on the floor.

I plan to spend around $1000 US. I currently have a pair of Dynaudio A72 Floor standers and a pair of Totem Model One's. They are both in the 87-88db efficiency ball park. So I think I'll need a little juice to get them going but I suspect that 30-50watts should do the trick. My music room is in the small to medium area. I listen to everything and I do mean everything. From punk to Indian Classical and from lap top music to Jazz. Eventually I will probably go with a more efficient floorstander but I am hoping to use the integrated with the Totems or the Dynaudio's.

I'm thinking about the Jolida 202 with Mods by parts Connexion or maybe the Prima Luna One. I've heard the Jolida and been suitably impressed and I'd love to hear the Prima Luna.

Any suggestions? Should I think about used instead of new?



You can't go by just the power rating given by the company to determine whether an amp can drive your speakers. There are other factors such as dynamic headroom, THD, whether the amp runs class A or A/B, that will affect its ability to power your speakers. Also, companies rate their amps differently. It's difficult to make apples to apples comparisons using company-supplied specs. Consequently, there's no guarantee that an amp rated at 60wpc will provide more clean undistorted power than a 40wpc amp.


I wasn't refering specifically to your post in my previous statement about some posters assuming all watts are equal.

thanks for your comments, it sounds like you gave the Totems a good work out, trying them at 30watts. My classe 100 mono blocks are also 200watts per channel at 4ohms, so I get a good sense of what you are talking about. I may very well leave the Totem's with my solid state set-up and concentrate my floorstanders around the tubes. I quite enjoyed a Triangle Antal that I auditioned recently, and they are at 91db so I suspect that a 30-50watt integrated would have no trouble at all. But that's a ways off at the moment.

I'm going to try out a Jolida this week-end. And see how that works out. I suspect that the modded versions bring up the quality a fair bit and might get it closer to the Prima Luna, but I don't think I can get my hands on a Modded Jolida in my area. Are there specific mods that improve the Jolida's?



Yes my experiment cooled me a bit on my amp upgrade desires. Especially considering the lovefest thats been going on here lately regarding older Levinson gear. My only real complaint with my current setup is that it doesn't really sing at low volumes, interesting that you comment that your system does. Please let us know how the audition goes.


No offense meant. Its just that personally I really don't understand all the hoopla over recent far eastern entries into the market. I mean come on do you really want to buy something of (to me) questionable build quality that needs mods right off the bat to sound competitive.

Why would anyone compare a 100wpc tube amp that cost $3,500 three years ago (Music Ref) to one that's 35 wpc and costs $1,000 (Primaluna)? Sure, the prof reviews say the Primaluna is comparable to amps in that price range but it all comes down to your wallet and system matching (at least for most). Looks like Classic's experience indicates Totems are a hard drive. I believe him. Classic95, what makes you think the build quality of Chinese made gear is worse? I've read just as many issues about build quality with respect to Jolida's *and* Cary, for example. The Primaluna needs a few years to stand the test of time but it looks immaculate.
Well I have a Jolida 202 home for a test run. After the kids are in bed it will get warmed up and ready to go. It's a stock model.

Wes I suspect that you are right about the Chinese makes being of lower quality than American or European. And in time I hope to make the step up to a better amp. And on a deeper level it's a good idea to support local manufacturers. I do have Canadian made amps, as well as my CD player, and I have a set of Canadian made speakers. (I live in Ontario). I guess I'm looking at Chinese makes because they are cheaper and apparently of decent quality.

I'm looking forward to enjoying tubes.

all the best
