Integrated upgrade recomendations

Hi all!  Newish to the hobby.  I've had a PS Sprout 100 and Wharfedale Denton 85 for about 2 years.  They sound great but I have the itch to upgrade. Any recommendations for an integrated amp for these speakers, or should I upgrade the speakers first?  Budget is $2000 or so


hi mickey from brooklyn


we are close to you with ahuge selection of integrated amps


our shop is in nearby jersey city


we have rega ,peachtree unison research nuprime parasound micromega

anthem krell and a few others for you to checkout.


Dave and Troy

Audio intellect NJ

Belles Aria integrated.  Audio Connection, Johnny Rutan, New Jersey.  And you're done.

Creek, Music Fidelity, Burson, Rogue, or a Kinki (super nice Chinese amps that hit WAY above their price). 

but yeah, Belles is also killin’!