With due respect for this gentleman....you need more experience before judging what’s a scam. Pay your dues like the rest of us did, then you’ll be in a better
position to judge.
All the best,
position to judge.
All the best,
Integrateds: Why do they all SUCK?
Well, I'm glad to see there's serious answers to this question in spite of certain members trying to push this meme that I'm a troll. I'm not dead set on the phono...I would just like not have to have another box to upgrade. The Anthem may be interesting. I normally wouldn't consider them... Modwright might be an interesting audition. LSA is hard to approach because you can only get them from a junk dealer (Underwood HiFi). VERY suspicious of the Creek. Will it really compete with field we're talking about? I just really don't want to have to upgrade the pre (thousands upon thousands), upgrade the phono (more thousands), just to find out something doesn't mesh well with something else. |
Hey, I thought, like you, that the all the integrated suck, up to the point I found Accuphase E-600 (then the E650). You can buy an add-on card for the phono stage, that is the AD-40 (or the new AD-50), You can also buy an add-on card for DAC, that is the DAC-40 (or the new DAC-50), They are all pretty expensive, but they are definitely worth it, IMHO. They have it all: look, extreme quality build and hard to match sound(pure class A), and they hold their price.. http://accuphase.com/model/e-600.html Good luck ! |