Inter Connects - What I know and don't know

I've been researching Balanced Cables in anticipation of adding a new pair of mono-blocks (Atma Sphere Class - D) to my system. I'm hoping some of you who know a thing or two about cables might help me (us) clarify or demystify certain assumptions.   


My assumptions:

- You get what you pay for ($300 Brand X will produce more detail than say $60 Mogami Gold).

- The larger the gauge the better.

- Crimped and soldered connectors are better than screw tightened.

- Two or more large braided strands are better than several smaller gauge braided strands (all things being equal).

- Silver conductors are better sounding and measuring than Copper conductors.  

- Rhodium, Gold, Silver, Copper, & Brass, connectors objectively sound different. (as opposed to in your system).  


Remember, the more objective your responses are the more helpful they'll be to a majority of readers. 

Thanks in advance for your "feedback"





There's an easy way to know. If you run it single-ended into our amps and it plays at a certain volume, does it play louder when running balanced?

If yes= does not support the standard

if no, volume is the same = supports the standard.

This is because the balanced standard ignores ground- the output signal is generated with respect to its opposite rather than being generated with respect to ground. If its generated with respect to ground, its really just two single-ended outputs, one of which is out of phase with the other. While that is balanced, it doesn't support the standard.

If paying more means better sound, a good many manufacturers would be happy to upgrade your $60 cables by charging $300 for the same thing.  Dielectric materials and metallurgy have more impact than gauge.

@knotscott  Thank you, that was so very very helpful of you. it's nice to know there are people here who you can depend on when seeking advice. 

- You don’t always get what you pay for. I know $200 dollar cables from one brand that sound better than $600 cables from another.

- MSRP doesn’t really mean anything in relationship to sound quality escpecially across different brands.

- Once you’ve actually establish a brand you like the sound of, then going up in budget then mostly gets you what you pay for. Point of diminishing return happens when your cables cost way more than your components. This isn't technically a bad thing though as your ceiling is higher if you plan to upgrade.

- Large gauge wire isn’t a hard fast rule, just because a wire is thicker doesn’t mean it sounds better or is more detailed than a thinner wire. It’s all about the cable design. I tend to like thinner cables.

- Faci is that silver conductors are better conductor. It’s a matter of personal preference if they sound better because of it. For sure, they are more expensive because the marketing dictates it, but I tend to like OCC high purity copper over silver. when it comes down to it, conductor material is only important if that’s what you’re focused on.

- Only way to know is to listen for yourself across different brands. People, myself included, can wax poetic about their cable of choice because that’s the sound or brand they like.

- I tend not to trust brands that have a too many levels of products. For example, If you have 4 upgrade levels going from 50 to 300 dollars, then another 4 levels that go into the high end there’s obviously some marketing head games going on.


@69zoso69 system sound is a very individual taste, only you can make the final decision on components and cables. With that said, take my comments as my opinions.

I use Mogami interconnects in my main system, and I think they offer a wonderful sound, and value. I build my own cables to keep the cost in check, and eliminate cable clutter. Each cable is made the exact length I want it. I have spent more on "better" bulk wire, and have a whole rack of interconnects that I have tested. There are others I have liked, but the Mogami really sounds great to me overall. Kimber PBJ is another cable I se as an outstanding value. I have another Kimber cable from "higher" up the line, and it's pretty good too, but I could easily live with the PBJ. I prefer my system sound signature to be warm and dynamic. I have McIntosh C2200 with Acrosound tube amps and GR Research XLS Encore speakers. I just can't justify spending $1000 on interconnects or speaker wires. Proportionately it makes no sense to  me. 

I would follow you dealers recommendation on the Mogami, get it in your system, and live with it for a while. Once you live with it and identify what you want to change, then start looking for a cable that fits that description. Maybe you will love the sound, and find yourself listening to the music and enjoying it, instead of wondering or worrying about how much your cables cost, what they are material or gauge they are made from, or what other people think of your selection. Good luck and don't forget to enjoy those new amps.