Interconnect cables for turntable

Last nights listening session was interrupted when one speaker went silent! The culprit was the wire had loosened from the RCA connector on that side of the table to phono preamp - not the first time this has happened. I have a mish-mash of interconnects - Cord, Monster, Blue Jeans, now I'm thinking I should  replace the interconnects between the turntable and phono preamp, and also between the phone pre and the preamp. 

My system: VPI Classic 3, Zesto Andros 1.2, ARC LS27

I'm not interested in spending multiple thousands of dollars, maybe a few hundred to a thousand or so. Anti Cables seem to be reasonably priced. What other brands should I consider?


Not sure if the connection to the RCA jack is loose, or if there is something loose inside of the plug, but both interconnect cables now don't work. I swapped in a set of Audio Note interconnects from another system and everything works again, but still will change both sets; maybe the Discovery interconnects.

My problem is I don't want to start chasing interconnects, just want a decent one that doesn't hurt the signal or sound.

how come anticables went from one line to a bunch of different "levels" of cables.
@fundsgon i’ve been using Chris Sommovigo’s interconnects and speaker cables for years, first it was Stereovox Colibry (with his own Xhadow RCA) and later Stereolab Master Reference Phono (with his own LoveCraft RCA) which is the best interconnect i’ve ever heard, but they are expensive. I've bought mine as a demo (used). Chris has moved from USA to Japan, very nice guy to deal with, always helpful.

Now when i need nice and budget phono interconnects for multiply tonearms i’m gonna buy ( Signal Cable Silver Resolution Reference from Frank in NY. That’s what was recommended by a’gon members (thanks to Don and Nandric). Frank is also a’gon member, for me it was easier to reach him via a’gon direct messages. His cables are reasonably priced, i’m looking forward to buy from him. This is his a’gon nickname: frank9740
I have a classic 1 ,low output benz ,
This is jmho i ran some blue jeans for a minute,the sound was ok .
I switched out my acoustic zen reference 2  one day for fun ,the change was not subtle .The soundstage opened up and my low end just cleaned up alot.I run all az cables now,and have done blind swaps with numerious freinds, its substantial .The ref 2 all all silver so they have there own sound vs copper etc.I bought all my interconnect used here ,a set of ref 2   1meter  average around 325.00 used (700 retail or so). I just shortened some of my interconnect to .5 and .75 meter and may sell some of my az cables that are 1m and my dig mc2  .This is NOT an add lol    if you are  be interested pm me ..No affiliation to az other then a fan 
I have a Classic 1 plugged into a tubed based system.

Nordost at half or less, can be found here on Agon.
Consider Frey or Heimdall.