Interconnect length

I have some new cabinetry for my audio gear which would now allow me to go to 1/2 meter lengths for nearly all connections instead of the 1 meter lengths I'm using now. Anyone have an opinion on whether it would be worth it to switch to the shorter lengths?

I suspect the mantra is here is "less is more" but I figured I'd ask the question to see if anyone has an opinion on the matter.


I truly believe that in a blind A/B test one could not tell the difference if we are talking shorter distances such as .5/M. 1/M, 1.5/M. Cosmetically, it could look better. Would it be worth the extra expense?
Hardly any current on the interconnects. 1/2m, 1m, 3m... no difference or none to speak of. Speaker cables, that's another story...
No, going from a 1 meter interconnect to .5 meter will not provide any sonic benefit all things being equal.

I couldn't resist to respond, and I can't confirm this, but I understand that interconnect diameter is more important than length;)